Reports until 13:36, Friday 26 April 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Friday 26 April 2024 (77447)
operator request for sqz angle adjustment once IFO has thermalized

I've just retuned the SQZ angle with a freshly locked IFO, which will not be well tuned once the IFO is thermalized.  Once we have been locked for ~4-5 hours, it would be good for the operator to re run this so that the squeezing angle is set for a thermalized IFO.

Please, go out of observing, from sqz manager select SCAN_SQZANG.  This will create a folder (named by the time you run it)

The plot should look something like this, with a minumum of squeezing at some CLF phase, which should now be where H1:SQZ-CLF_REFL_RF6_PHASE_PHASEDEG is set to.