aLIGO LHO Logbook General logbook for aLIGO activities en-us Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:12:34 -0800 H1 ISC - Comment to Evidence for in-band lines caused by aliasing of lines in high-sampled frequency DCPD ADC <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82395</p>For easier comparison, I&#39;ve attached ratio plots the same size and scale as in other aLOGs <!--- Output file_1_82395 div --> <div id="file_1_82395" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82395 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82395 div --> <div id="files_1_82395" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82395 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:12:34 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Comment to New Configuration of OMC DCPD Test Path Banks :: A couple of options of Copying the 65k and 16k Digital AA Filtering <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82394</p>I took data from both the A and B TEST paths for the two filter arrangements right now: 2x16k filtering or 2x16k + 1x65k filtering. Attached are ratio plots of the PSD of simple decimation of the filtered data over the PSD of the full data rate filtered data. For both the A and B path, the 2x16k + 1x65k filtering (orange curve) is much better than just 2x16k filtering (blue curve). This is shown by the orange curve having values much closer to 1 over a broader frequency range than the blue curves.CAL, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82394 div --> <div id="file_1_82394" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82394 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82394 div --> <div id="files_1_82394" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82394 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:06:42 -0800 H1 ISC LHO General - Ops Day Shift End <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82367</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/22 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 155Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Tony<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Maintenance day today, recovery was straight forward in terms of alignment, but we had a lock loss after DRMI ASC and then one at Transition_From_ETMX, which made recovery take a bit longer.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <ul> <li>16:08 Lock loss</li> <li>1838 All CS SEI tripped from ISC-C4 power supply work. Those in the control room at the time didn&#39;t realize that there was a connection between this rack and all of the CS ISIs. This power supply supplies the 71MHz RF that goes to a fanout for all of the these ISI&#39;s CPSs.</li> <li>2349 Observing</li> <li>0000 Dropped observing for 8 seconds due to some SDF diff in calcs.</li> </ul> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Start Time</th> <th>System</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Lazer_Haz</th> <th>Task</th> <th>Time End</th> </tr> <tr> <td>17:16</td> <td>SAFETY</td> <td>LAZER HAZ&nbsp; (\u2310\u25a0-\u25a0)</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>!!!YES!!!</td> <td>LVEA = LASER HAZARD!</td> <td>16:51</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:07</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Chris</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>FAMIS tasks</td> <td>16:38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:10</td> <td>PCAL</td> <td>Francisco</td> <td>EX</td> <td>YES</td> <td>PCAL spot move</td> <td>17:33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:27</td> <td>SUS</td> <td>RyanC</td> <td>CR</td> <td>N</td> <td>ETMY oplev charge measurement</td> <td>17:36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:32</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Kim, Nelly</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Tech clean</td> <td>17:33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:48</td> <td>SYS</td> <td>Mitchell</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Looking for cables</td> <td>17:21</td> </tr> <tr> <td>16:59</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Chris</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Battery fluid</td> <td>17:46</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:02</td> <td>PEM</td> <td>Robert</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Setting up equipment</td> <td>19:42</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:06</td> <td>PSL</td> <td>Jason, Ryan S</td> <td>CS</td> <td>n</td> <td>Chiller swap (PSL DOWN!)</td> <td>19:37</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:22</td> <td>VAC</td> <td>Janos, Travis</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Chat with Chris</td> <td>17:32</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:25</td> <td>CDS</td> <td>Fil, Marc</td> <td>CER</td> <td>n</td> <td>Investigating for future OMC work</td> <td>17:42</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:33</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Kim, Nelly</td> <td>EX</td> <td>n</td> <td>Tech clean</td> <td>18:35</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:37</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>HFD</td> <td>Ends</td> <td>n</td> <td>Radio testing</td> <td>18:52</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17:47</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Chris</td> <td>H2</td> <td>n</td> <td>Tumbleweed clearing</td> <td>19:41</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18:04</td> <td>VAC</td> <td>Janos, Travis</td> <td>EX mech room</td> <td>n</td> <td>Compressor work</td> <td>20:02</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18:27</td> <td>CDS</td> <td>Fil, Marc, Sivananda</td> <td>CER</td> <td>n</td> <td>Power supply fan swap</td> <td>19:54</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18:28</td> <td>PSL</td> <td>Jason</td> <td>PSL ante. room</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Looking for ISS array parts</td> <td>18:47</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18:36</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Kim, Nelly</td> <td>FCES</td> <td>n</td> <td>Tech clean</td> <td>19:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>18:51</td> <td>SYS</td> <td>Mitchell</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Cable hunt Rd2</td> <td>19:04</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:00</td> <td>SUS</td> <td>RyanC</td> <td>CR</td> <td>N</td> <td>ETMX oplev charge meas</td> <td>20:08</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:06</td> <td>SEI</td> <td>Jim</td> <td>CR</td> <td>n</td> <td>BSC filter testing</td> <td>20:02</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:10</td> <td>FAC</td> <td>Kim</td> <td>EY</td> <td>n</td> <td>Tech clean</td> <td>19:47</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:19</td> <td>TCS</td> <td>Camilla, Matt</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>YES</td> <td>TCS table power meas.</td> <td>20:12</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:55</td> <td>SYS</td> <td>Chris, Mitchell</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Scissor lift troubleshooting</td> <td>20:01</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19:58</td> <td>ALS</td> <td>Keita, Mayank</td> <td>CR</td> <td>n</td> <td>ALSY demod phase measurement</td> <td>20:58</td> </tr> <tr> <td>20:00</td> <td>-</td> <td>Mike, Haydee</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Tour</td> <td>20:19</td> </tr> <tr> <td>20:22</td> <td>IAS</td> <td>Ryan C</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>Faro power cycle</td> <td>20:24</td> </tr> <tr> <td>20:24</td> <td>-</td> <td>Ryan S, Matt</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>yes</td> <td>LVEA sweep</td> <td>20:55</td> </tr> <tr> <td>22:28</td> <td>PEM</td> <td>Robert</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Setup stray beam at viewport equipment</td> <td>23:49</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:33:15 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Tuesday Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82393</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/22 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 155Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Corey<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: USEISM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 5mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.62 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong><br /> H1 is Locked and Observing.<br /> Microseism is falling back down.<br /> <br /> Noting random Issues :<br /> MC2 PR2 Cameras still unplugged likely due to robert&#39;s work in the the LVEA.&nbsp;<br /> ITMY camera not working for some reason.<br /> <br /> H1:PEM-CS_DUST_LAB2 Still out sick</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:24:11 -0800 H1 General H1 AOS - Comment to Demod Phase tuning of the ALSY PDH loop <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82392</p><p>Here are the accepted SDFs associated with this work.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82392 div --> <div id="file_1_82392" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82392 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82392 div --> <div id="files_1_82392" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82392 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:22:03 -0800 H1 AOS H1 AOS - Demod Phase tuning of the ALSY PDH loop <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82388</p>[Keita, Mayank] We optimized the ALSY PDH demod phase of the CM board. We measured the OLTF of the PDH loop using the setup detailed in at 3142Hz. (Note that the raw number measured is 40dB smaller than the actual gain due to electronics gain in the generic DAQ filter in the denominator.) We changed the delay line between the local oscillator and the demod board to maximize the OLTF amplitude. Before we changed anything, we measured the ALSY OLTF and it was about 9 dB smaller than ALSX at 3142Hz. As we changed the delay line we eventually had to decrease the IN1 LOCKED gain of the CM board (H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_LOCKEDGAIN) by 3dB so that ALSY OLTF becomes about the same as ALSX. ALSY locked and ran fine with that setting. Initial values: Delay line Phase: 223 Degree (421 steps), CM board LOCK IN1 gain +10dB, TF magnitude measured -37 dB. Tuned value: Delay line Phase: 165 Degree (311 steps), CM board LOCK IN1 gain +7dB, TF magnitude measured -27 dB. Attached is the screenshot of before (blue) and after (red) the tuning as well as ALSX (black dotted) <!--- Output file_1_82388 div --> <div id="file_1_82388" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82388 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82388 div --> <div id="files_1_82388" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82388 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:19:24 -0800 H1 AOS H1 ISC - Creating DARM Loop Critique via pydarm on the Control Room Machines <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82387</p>Here&#39;re the bare-bones instructions to run the DARM loop critique -- an automated set of plots that were inspired by the presentations given over the years that compare the transfer functions of the DARM loop between the two sites, e.g. <a href="">G1501372</a>, <a href="">G1700316</a>, <a href="">G2000149</a>. (0) Conda activate the latest pydarm environment.<font face="courier"> ~$ conda activate /ligo/groups/cal/conda/pydarm</font> This is a symbolic link to the latest tagged version of pydarm.<font face="courier"> () ~$ which pydarm /ligo/groups/cal/conda/pydarm/bin/pydarm () ~$ pydarm --version 20240821.0 () ~$ ipython In [1]: import pydarm In [2]: pydarm.__version__ Out [2]: &#39;20240821.0&#39; </font> Note the version of pydarm is the same on the command line and within the ipython session *because* we activated the correct pydarm conda environment. The command line pydarm internally activates this environment automatically, but any old ipython session may not have the right version of pydarm if you just import "from scratch" without making sure you&#39;re in the right environment first. So -- any time you&#39;re running script or python session pyDARM these days -- make sure that you&#39;ve activated the conda environment. Is this the right version? check <a href=""></a> see if that version is the latest, i.e. the top of the list. It is. And this will *always* be true, by process of deploying the latest tag (see <a href="">deploy script</a>). To compare previous versions of tags, go to <a href=""></a> and change the drop-down menu to compare one tag to the other. If you want to activate an environment with an older version of pydarm, then head to the folder <font face="courier">/ligo/groups/cal/conda/</font> and activate the environment you like. (1) Grab the DARM loop model parameter sets that you want to plot and/or compare. If at LHO, wanting H1 parameter files, then (back out on the command line, not in yet in a python session) Find the list of reports and tags:<font face="courier"> () ~$ pydarm ls -r</font> From that list, find the model parameters installed in the front-end:<font face="courier"> () ~$ pydarm ls -r | exported</font> Once you find what you like, go into that report directory, e.g.<font face="courier"> () ~$ cd /ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20240927T211612Z</font> Look for <font face="courier">pydarm_H1.ini</font>, and copy it somewhere you like, or at least store where it lives. If you&#39;re at LHO, want L1 parameter files, then the easiest thing is to download it from the web. Head to the <a href="">https://ldas-jobs.ligo-<b>la</b></a> and scroll down to the list of all reports, and find the entry that&#39;s been exported most recently e.g. <a href="">20240408T200652Z</a>, and download the pydarm_L1.ini and save it to a known location. (2) Start critiquing:<font face="courier"> ~$ ipython In [1]: from pydarm.darm import DARMModel In [2]: d = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20240927T211612Z/pydarm_H1.ini&#39;) # Plot a single parameter file&#39;s model: In [3]: d.plot(filename=&#39;/ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2025-01-21/20240927T211612Z_pydarm_H1_critique.pdf&#39;,label=[&#39;H1&#39;]) # Compare against another, say, previous version of the model d_prenewdarm = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20231027T203619Z/pydarm_H1.ini&#39;) from pydarm.plot import critique critique(d,d_prenewdarm,filename=&#39;/ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2025-01-21/20240927T211612Z_vs_20231027T203619Z_pydarm_H1_critique.pdf&#39;,label=[&#39;H1 20240927T211612Z&#39;, &#39;H1 20231027T203619Z&#39;]) # Compare two IFOs: In [9]: d_H1 = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20240927T211612Z/pydarm_H1.ini&#39;) In [10]: d_L1 = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2025-01-21/20240408T200652Z_pydarm_L1.ini&#39;) critique(d_H1,d_L1,filename=&#39;/ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2025-01-21/20240927T211612Z_H1_vs_20240408T200652Z_L1_critique.pdf&#39;,label=[&#39;H1 20240927T211612Z&#39;,&#39;L1 20240408T200652Z&#39;]) # Compare one IFO&#39;s parameters, while updating one of the parameters on the fly In [9]: d_H1 = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20240927T211612Z/pydarm_H1.ini&#39;) In [10]: d_H1_moreAA = DARMModel(&#39;/ligo/groups/cal/H1/reports/20240927T211612Z/pydarm_H1.ini&#39;) #Intentionally the same # Update the parameter you want, In [6]: d_H1_moreAA.sensing.omc_filter_noncompensating_modules Out[6]: [[9, 10], [9, 10]] In [7]: d_H1_moreAA.sensing.omc_filter_noncompensating_modules = [[9,10,10],[9,10,10]] In [8]: critique(d_H1,d_H1_moreAA,filename=&#39;/ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2025-01-21/20240927T211612Z_H1_vs_20240927T211612Z_H1_2x16kDigitalAA_critique.pdf&#39;,label=[&#39;Nominal&#39;,&#39;1x More 16k AA&#39;])</font> CAL, ISC <!--- Output file_0_82387 div --> <div id="file_0_82387" class="commentHdr"> Non-image files attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_0_82387 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_0_82387 div --> <div id="files_0_82387" class="reportDetails"> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">20240927T211612Z_pydarm_H1_critique.pdf</a></div> </div> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">20240927T211612Z_vs_20231027T203619Z_pydarm_H1_critique.pdf</a></div> </div> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">20240408T200652Z_pydarm_L1_critique.pdf</a></div> </div> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">20240927T211612Z_H1_vs_20240927T211612Z_H1_2x16kDigitalAA_critique.pdf</a></div> </div> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">20240927T211612Z_H1_vs_20240408T200652Z_L1_critique.pdf</a></div> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_0_82387 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 15:33:05 -0800 H1 ISC H1 General - Temperature zone 2A rate alarm relaxed slightly <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82390</p><p>LVEA Zone 2A temperature rate alarm limit was relaxed from 0.001 Celsius/minut to 0.0012.&nbsp; This will reduce daily alarms when the sky is clear and the sun is heating that part of the LVEA.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 15:26:34 -0800 H1 General H1 PSL - PSL 10-Day Trends <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82389</p><p>FAMIS <a href=";RequestID=31069">31069</a></p> <p>Due to the chiller swap (<a href="">alog82379</a>) and PMC/RefCav alignment adjustments (<a href="">alog82377</a>), several trends show changes from this morning. Most notably is the large drop in RefCav transmission, which likely shows a need to tune up the FSS path on-table.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82389 div --> <div id="file_1_82389" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82389 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82389 div --> <div id="files_1_82389" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82389 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:33:25 -0800 H1 PSL H1 GRD - ISC_LOCK PRMI/DRMI counters added <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 81256</p><p>I&#39;ve added some logic to ISC_LOCK in DRMI and PRMI to check if we&#39;ve already tried PRMI, and or CHECK_MICH. Two counters are created and = 0 in each acquisition. On our second pass through PRMI or DRMI in an aquisition the POPAIR timers will be doubled and the threshholds will be halved. The changes have been svn commited.</p> ISC Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:00:22 -0800 H1 GRD H1 PSL - PSL PMC and RefCav Alignment Tweaks <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82377</p><p>J. Oberling, R. Short</p> <p>While recovering the PSL after the chiller swap this morning (<a href="">alog82379</a>), we noticed the alignment of the PMC and RefCav looked poor according to the cameras, so we took the time to touch these up while still in the maintenance period. Starting with the PMC, I was able to slightly improve the alignment using the picomotors:</p> <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="height:80px; width:271px"> <tbody> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><strong>Start (W)</strong></td> <td><strong>End (W)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>PMC Trans</strong></td> <td>102.5</td> <td>103.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>PMC Refl</strong></td> <td>25.3</td> <td>24.8</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Moving on to the RefCav, once the FSS was locked I was able to improve the alignment here as well; the TPD signal increased from <strong>620mV to 737mV.</strong> Not as much gain here as we hoped, and the RefCav Refl camera spot still looks like two vertical lobes, so the FSS path may need to be adjusted on-table.</p> <p>Finally, since the output of the PMC had increased, I changed the ISS RefSignal to bring the diffracted power back down to our desired setpoint of around 4%.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:46:40 -0800 H1 PSL H1 General - Maintenance has completed <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82386</p><p>All maintenance activities have completed and we are almost done with initial alignment.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 13:07:48 -0800 H1 General H1 General - LVEA Sweep after maintenance <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82385</p><p>[Ryan, Matthew]</p> <p>Sweep done at 12:51 PSC, only things to note were two view ports (HAM2 and HAM3) had foil wrap instead of coverings. Unplugged a few scissor lifts, left one by the high bay plugged in.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:52:34 -0800 H1 General H1 ISC - New Configuration of OMC DCPD Test Path Banks :: A couple of options of Copying the 65k and 16k Digital AA Filtering <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82384</p>J. Kissel Pushing forward and making filter file changes while out of observing, I&#39;ve changed the arrangement and amount of filtering in the OMC DCPD A1, A2, B1, and B2 banks again. Last time, I configured the banks to be analog channel agnostic, so I used up the spare filter banks to include copies of both the A and B analog electronics compensation in each of the four paths (<a href="">LHO:82313</a>). Talking with Louis and Evan this morning, in light of the discovery that more digital anti-aliasing would be prudent, I instead use up the spare banks for copies of the existing anti-aliasing filters (much like Louis and Evan had done over the weekend). Check out screenshot of the configuration setup for one test we plan to do: using the <a href="">1st attachment in <a href="">LHO:82375</a>, comparing the performance of the <font color="red"><b>RED</b></font>, Dec65k*Dec16k filtered nominal trace to <font color="green"><b>GREEN</b></font> Dec16k*Dec16k and <font color="magenta"><b>MAGENTA</b></font> Dec65k*Dec16k*Dec16k. These options, which have lesser phase impact that the straight 2x copy of the existing filters, will also tell us whether it&#39;s the frequency content in the signal between 7 and 32 kHz or that of 32 kHz and above that matters in the GW band.CAL, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82384 div --> <div id="file_1_82384" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82384 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82384 div --> <div id="files_1_82384" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82384 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:43:07 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Updated OMC QPD offsets <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82383</p><p>I took another look at the data from last week where we put lines on the OMC angular control loops and then used the BLRMS at the PCAL line 410Hz to look at which combination of offsets increased the optical gain.</p> <p>The <a href="">plot shown</a> has cursors at the values I think we should change the current offsets by to maximise our optical gain. We expect this could maybe improve the gain by 1%.</p> <p>I added these values to H1:ASC-OMC_A_PIT_OFFSET, H1:ASC-OMC_A_YAW_OFFSET, H1:ASC-OMC_B_PIT_OFFSET, H1:ASC-OMC_B_YAW_OFFSET.</p> <p>The second <a href="">image</a> shows the old values: -0.37, 0.25, -0.17, -0.11</p> <p>The <a href="">new</a> values are: -0.45, 0.325, -0.245, -0.19.</p> <p>At the bottom I attach picturers of where I accepted these sdfs in the safe and OBSERVE snap files. As far as I can tell they are not reset by guardian at any point.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--- Output file_1_82383 div --> <div id="file_1_82383" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82383 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82383 div --> <div id="files_1_82383" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82383 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:33:48 -0800 H1 ISC H1 SUS - OPLEV charge measurements, ETMX, ETMY <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82371</p><p>For <a href="">ETMX</a>, the OPLEV pitch output was higher than typical during the measurement, there is no clear trend across the DOF/quads but the charge is at or above 50V on all DOF/quads except for LL yaw.</p> <p><a href="">ETMY</a> seems to have a small upward trend and is getting over 50V in half of the DOF/quads.</p> SUS <!--- Output file_1_82371 div --> <div id="file_1_82371" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82371 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82371 div --> <div id="files_1_82371" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82371 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:33:31 -0800 H1 SUS H1 DetChar - More investigations of in-band line artifacts due to aliasing of high frequency DCPD artifacts <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82376</p>Going back to investigations last week on in-band line artifacts due to aliasing of higher frequency DCPD channel artifacts (see <a href="">LHO aLOG 82329</a>), here we check the 16 kHz data of H1:OMC-DCPD_[A|B]_OUT_DQ against the saved reference spectra of DCPD B on ADC channels 1, 5, 9, and 13. Attached are spectra showing: 1. 1 Hz - 7000 Hz 2. 20 Hz - 100 Hz 3. 100 Hz - 500 Hz 4. 500 Hz - 1000 Hz 5. 1000 Hz - 1500 Hz 6. 1500 Hz - 2000 Hz 7. 2000 Hz - 7000 Hz One can see man and a lot of artifacts that are visible in the 16k channels, but not visible in the 524k channels. In addition, the DCPD A sum channel artifacts appear larger than DCPD B sum channel artifacts. As mentioned in the previous aLOG, spending some time watching the time variability of the artifacts, the artifacts change amplitude and frequency over time. The higher frequency bands show a lot of artifacts, more in the A channels, and the artifacts in question do not appear in the 524k channels. Solving these issues, perhaps with stronger suppression through digital filtering, would be greatly beneficial to searches for persistent, narrowband gravitational wave signals.DetChar, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82376 div --> <div id="file_1_82376" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82376 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82376 div --> <div id="files_1_82376" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82376 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:27:18 -0800 H1 DetChar H1 TCS - Comment to RIN of CO2 Lasers with PWM <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82382</p><p>Matt Todd and I measured the powers before the CO2X ISS PDs today:</p> <ul> <li>Before BS: 425mW</li> <li>ISS Out path: 230mW (7.7e-3 on ITMX_CO2_ISS_IN_DC)</li> <li>(Inferred) ISS In path: 195mW&nbsp;(8.5e-3 on ITMX_CO2_ISS_OUT_DC)</li> </ul> <p>In&nbsp;<a href="">82182</a>&nbsp;using specs of PDs we think we are measuring 30-50mW. We didn&#39;t have time to check for clipping with an iris or alignment, both beams looked small but the PD&#39;s are also small ~1mmx1mm.&nbsp;</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:19:38 -0800 H1 TCS H1 TCS - Comment to AOM Drive output now connected to CO2X table feedthrough <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82380</p><p>Matt Todd and I checked that neither of these BNC barrels were grounded to the CO2X table.&nbsp;</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:13:17 -0800 H1 TCS H1 ISC - Digital Anti-Aliasing Options for 524kHz OMC DCPD Path <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82375</p>J. Kissel, E. Goetz, L. Dartez As mentioned briefly in <a href="">LHO:82329</a> -- after discovering that there is a significant amount of aliasing from the 524 kHz version of the OMC DCPD signals when down-sampled to 16 kHz -- Louis and Evan tried a versions of the (test, pick-off, A1, A2, B1, and B2) DCPD signal path with two copies, each, of the existing 524 kHz to 65kHz and 65 kHz to 16 kHz AA filters as opposed to one. In this aLOG, I&#39;ll refer to these filters as "Dec65k" and "Dec16k," or for short in the plots attached "65k" and "16k." Just restating the conclusion from <a href="">LHO:82329</a> :: Having two copies of these filters -- and thus a factor of 10x more suppression in the 8 to 32kHz region and 100x more suppression in the 32 to 232 kHz region -- seems to dramatically improve the amount of aliasing. Recall these filters were designed with lots of compromises in mind -- see all the details in <a href="">G2202011</a>. Upon discussion of applying this "why don&#39;t we just add MOAR FIRE" option 2xDec65k and 2xDec16k option for the primary signal path, there was concerns about - DARM open loop gain phase margin, and - Computational turn-around time for the h1iopomc0 front-end process. I attach two plots to help facilitate that discussion, (1st attachment) Bode plot of various combinations of the Dec65k and Dec16k filters. (2nd attachment) Plot of the CPU timing meter over the weekend, the during in which these filters were installed and ON in the 4x test banks on the same computer. For (1st) :: Here we show several of the high-frequency suppression above 1000 Hz, and phase loss around 100 Hz for a couple of simple combinations of filtering. The weekend configuration of two copies of the 65k and 16k filters is shown in <b>BLACK</b>, the nominal configuration of one copy is shown in <font color="red"><b>RED</b></font>. In short -- <b>all these combinations incur less than 5 deg phase loss around the DARM UGF</b>. Louis is going do some modeling to show the impact of these combinations on the DARM loop stability via plots of open loop gain and loop suppression. We anecdotally remember that the phase margin is "pretty tight," sub-30 [deg], but we&#39;ll wait for the plots. For (2nd) :: With the weekend configuration of filters, with eight more filters (the copies of the 65k and 16k, copied 4 times in each of the A1, A2, B1, B2 banks) installed and running, the extremes of CPU clock cycle turnaround time did increase, from "never above 13 [usec]" to "occasionally hitting 14 [usec]" out of the ideal 1/2^16 = 15.26 [usec], which is rounded up on the GDSTP MEDM screen to be an even 16 [usec]. This is to say, that "<b>we can probably run with 4 more filters in the A0 and B0 banks,</b>" though that may necessarily limit how much filtering can be in the A1, A2, B1, B2 banks for future testing. Also, no one has really looked at what happens to the gravitational wave channel when the timing of the CPU changes, or gets near the ideal clock-cycle time, namely the basic question "Are there glitches in the GW data when the CPU runs longer than normal?" CAL, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82375 div --> <div id="file_1_82375" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82375 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82375 div --> <div id="files_1_82375" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82375 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:09:27 -0800 H1 ISC H1 PSL - PSL Chiller Swap (WP 12290) <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82379</p><p>R. Short, J. Oberling</p> <p>Today we swapped the in-service PSL chiller for the spare, so we can do required regular maintenance on the in-service chiller, and changed the system filter.</p> <p>The PSL was shut down and the chiller lines swapped over to the new chiller.&nbsp; At this point we swapped the system filter with a new one.&nbsp; The filter cup was pre-filled with coolant (10% mix of OptiShield in lab water) and the chiller reservoir was filled.&nbsp; We turned the new chiller on and set the flow to ~4 lpm to help push out air bubbles; the system ran in this configuration for ~90 minutes.&nbsp; Interestingly, we are back to having small collections of air pockets around the filter cup.&nbsp; We&#39;ll monitor this and bleed air from the filter cup as necessary, but there are no more visible air bubblles moving through the chiller lines that we can see.&nbsp; I&#39;m wondering if chiller position in the rack has something to do with this?&nbsp; The old chiller sat ~2 feet lower than the new one, maybe that&#39;s contributing to the air pockets (total WAG on my part)?&nbsp; We&#39;re thinking that next time we swap chillers we&#39;ll move everything down a shelf and see if/how things change.</p> <p>The chiller flow was set to ~2.8 lpm, as this is where the old chiller was operating, and the PSL restarted.&nbsp; Everything came back up without issue and the PSL is running and ready for IFO recovery.&nbsp; The old chiller was moved to the mechanical room, where we will flush it out and start going through its regular maintenance checks.&nbsp; This closes LHO WP <a href="">12290</a>.</p> <div>New chiller SN: 137692</div> <div>Old chiller SN: 119247</div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:07:49 -0800 H1 PSL H1 AOS - Replaced failing Kepco power supplies CER Mezanine <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82378</p><p>Per <a href="">WP12295 </a>we replaced the +/-18V Kepco supplies located on the CER Mezanine Rack C2 U17-19.&nbsp; We replace them as a set, so both plus and minus were replaced.&nbsp; This was a result of one of these supplies fans failing noisliy.<br /> <br /> Supplies Replaced:<br /> S1201926 installed in 2012 was replaced with S1300296 which has an updated ball bearing fan.<br /> S1201923 installed in 2012 was replaced with S1300290 which has an updated ball bearing fan.</p> <p>Both supplies were tested and measured to output +/-18.5V respectively at the sequencer.&nbsp; Once powered on they were further adjusted to +/-18.5V when loads were applied.</p> <p>F. Clara, M. Pirello, S, Reddy</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 12:03:32 -0800 H1 AOS LHO VE - Tue CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82374</p><p><strong>Tue Jan 21 10:04:45 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 41secs</strong></p> <p>Gerardo confirmed a good fill curbside. TCmins [-71C, -69C] OAT (-2C, 29F). DetaTemp trip time 10:04:45.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82374 div --> <div id="file_1_82374" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82374 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82374 div --> <div id="files_1_82374" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82374 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:23:04 -0800 LHO VE H1 TCS - Took new references on ITMX and ITMY HWS <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82373</p><p>The ITMX HWS spherical power was not centered around zero, so after the IFO had been unlocked for 2+ hours, I took new references on ITMX and ITMY HWS at around 18:10UTC. Following <a href="">tcs wiki</a>.&nbsp;</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:14:21 -0800 H1 TCS H1 ISC - Comment to Optimising OMC QPD offsets <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82372</p><p>The third and fourth channels in the above list should be B_PIT and B_YAW respectively and I got the fourth offset value wrong.</p> <p>OMC-ASC_QPD_B_PIT_OUTPUT by -0.075</p> <p>OMC-ASC_QPD_B_PIT_OUTPUT by -0.08</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:11:29 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Comment to Evidence for in-band lines caused by aliasing of lines in high-sampled frequency DCPD ADC <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82370</p>The temporary TEST filter modifications that duplicated the decimation filters into additional filter banks has been reverted back to <a href="">LHO aLOG 82313</a>. Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:14:38 -0800 H1 ISC H1 General - Comment to OPS OWL assistance <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82368</p><p><strong>Tagging SQZ.</strong> 2025/01/20 07:02:12 UTC for 5 hours we had the SQZ FC struggling to lock. OPO, CLF and PMC stayed locked during this time,&nbsp;<a href=""> plot</a>.</p> <p>Initially unlocked with message &quot;IR unlocked?&quot; and then repeatedly locked back to IR_FOUND where it lost lock with message &quot;GR lost lock??&quot;, checker is return ezca[&#39;SQZ-FC_TRANS_C_LF_OUTPUT&#39;] &gt; sqzparams.fcgs_trans_lock_threshold (60) which makes sense, we are at 100 when locked so not near this threshold. Unsure on the cause of FC green unlocking, maybe something in the FC servo dragged the lock away unless we are just seeing the unlock itself, <a href="">plot</a> and <a href="">zoom.</a></p> SQZ <!--- Output file_1_82368 div --> <div id="file_1_82368" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82368 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82368 div --> <div id="files_1_82368" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82368 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:46:29 -0800 H1 General H1 SEI - HEPI Pump Trends Monthly FAMIS <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82369</p><p>Closes <a href="">FAMIS#26474</a>, last checked <a href="">81923</a></p> <p>The only thing of note is a small pressure spike at EX seen last week, seen in the pressure and ctrl channel.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82369 div --> <div id="file_1_82369" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82369 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82369 div --> <div id="files_1_82369" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82369 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:38:57 -0800 H1 SEI H1 SEI - H1 ISI CPS Noise Spectra Check - Weekly (Famis 26027) <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82366</p><p>FAMIS Link:&nbsp; <a href="">26027</a></p> <p>Only CPS channels which look higher at high frequencies (see attached) would be the following (which have been like this for a while):</p> <ol> <li>ITMx St1 V1</li> <li>ITMy St1 V2</li> </ol> SEI <!--- Output file_0_82366 div --> <div id="file_0_82366" class="commentHdr"> Non-image files attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_0_82366 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_0_82366 div --> <div id="files_0_82366" class="reportDetails"> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">CPS_spectra_08:05-01_21_2025.pdf</a></div> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_0_82366 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:11:48 -0800 H1 SEI LHO General - Ops Day Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82365</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/21 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Preventive Maintenance<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Corey<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: USEISM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 5mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.79 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong> Locked for 20 min, it looks like 2 auto relockes overnight. The useism is peaking above 1um/s, we&#39;ll see if we can relock after maintenance.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 07:32:11 -0800 LHO General H1 CDS - Workstations updated <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82364</p><p>Workstations were updated and rebooted.&nbsp; This was an OS packages update.&nbsp; Conda packages were not updated.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:22:05 -0800 H1 CDS H1 General - Ops Eve Shift End <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82363</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/21 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Commissioning<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Corey<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Just got back into Observing after popping out to adjust the opo temperature. Our range had been steadily dropping over the past few locks and had gotten down below 150 Mpc, and our squeezing was getting worse along with it, so I decided to try adjusting the opo temperature before I left. I got us from an average of -3 down to -4.5dB squeezing for the 1.7kHz band. The evening has been quiet and relocking went well earlier with nothing needing to be touched.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <p>00:08 <a href="http://">Lockloss</a><br /> 01:12 NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE<br /> 01:15 Observing</p> <p>05:54 Out of Observing to adjust OPO temp<br /> 06:00 Back into Observing</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Start Time</th> <th>System</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Lazer_Haz</th> <th>Task</th> <th>Time End</th> </tr> <tr> <td>23:16</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Corey</td> <td>Optics lab</td> <td>n</td> <td>Looking for stuff</td> <td>00:13</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 22:07:31 -0800 H1 General H1 SUS - Violin Mode ETMY mode 1 damping settings updated <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82360</p><p>Since we&#39;ve been seeing ETMY mode 1 (and mode6 to a lesser extent) increasing during lock stretches for the last 5 or 6 days, I&#39;ve gone ahead and edited lscparams to use the new filter/gain configuration that TJ noted in <a href="">82337</a> - he does say in there that this configuration has been noted previously to cause mode1 to start ringing back up, but so far we have had a 20 hour stretch a couple days ago with these settings and didn&#39;t see any ringing up, so I think we might be okay.</p> <p>I&#39;ve reloaded ISC_LOCK and VIOLIN_DAMPING.</p> OpsInfo Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:22:46 -0800 H1 SUS H1 General - Comment to Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82362</p><p>01:15 Observing</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:22:04 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82361</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/21 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Lock Acquisition<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Corey<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 4mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.30 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>Currently relocking and at DRMI_LOCKED_CHECK_ASC. Last lockloss was due to an ETMX glitch, and we seem to be relocking with no issues so far.</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 16:32:13 -0800 H1 General LHO General - Mon DAY Ops Summary <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82355</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/20 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Earthquake<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Oli<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>Other than an earthquake lockloss, it was a pretty quiet.....but then in the last 20min we had one of our ETMx Glitches.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <ul> <li>1632 M6.0 Taiwan earthquake inbound <ul> <li>1705 EQ mode activated</li> <li>1727 H1 LOCKLOSS (after 3.5hr lock)</li> <li>Locking Notes:&nbsp; DRMI looked bad; tried PRMI + CHECK MICH FRINGES and they also did not look good, so moved on to an Initial Alignment 1750--1815); Everything else was automatic.</li> </ul> </li> <li>1907 Back to OBSERVING</li> <li>2340&nbsp;Looking at stuff in the Optics Lab (corey)</li> <li>2351 PSL102 dust alarm</li> <li>0003 Oli noticed the ETMyMode1 violin was ringing up again, so they made the change TJ had found to damp it&nbsp;&nbsp;down in LSC_PARAMS.</li> <li>2109 Lockloss (due to <strong><a href="">ETMx Glitch</a></strong>) <ul> <li>Notes:&nbsp; DRMI once again looked bad with no POP18/90 flashes.&nbsp; The camera&nbsp;looked like it was clearly off in pitch; able to get better flashes&nbsp;by taking the BS&nbsp;-0.025 clicks in Yaw---this starting yielding POP18/90 flashes which were above 100counts.&nbsp; PRMI then locked up after 9mins of these flashes.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 16:30:20 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Comment to OPS OWL assistance <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82359</p><p>Something weird happened with the alert system last night - there were multiple times where IFO_NOTIFY went into ALERTS_ACTIVE, but it didn&#39;t call Ryan every time that happened.</p> <p>The squeezer was having trouble locking/staying locked in FDS, so once we were out of Observing for 8 minutes, IFO_NOTIFY went into ALERT_ACTIVE, during which it should have called Ryan, but maybe it didn&#39;t get to because only 20 seconds later, it got back to FDS.</p> <p>However, it dropped back out a few seconds later, and once those 8 minutes had gone by, IFO NOTIFY went into ALERT_ACTIVE again, and it did call Ryan at 07:21 UTC.</p> <p>When the SQZer got back to FDS for a few seconds two minutes later, it again took us back out of ALERT_ACTIVE, and then waited the 8 minutes again before going into ALERT_ACTIVE again and sitting in there for 23 minutes while the SQZer tried to relock. During these 23 minutes, Ryan did not get called.</p> <p>Then the same thing happened again where the SQZer got to FDS for a few seconds, taking us out of ALERT_ACTIVE and resetting that 8 minute timer. This time it stayed in ALERT_ACTIVE for over 4 hours and did not call Ryan until more than 4 hours later.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I&#39;ve attached an <a href="">ndscope</a> and <a href="">the IFO_NOTIFY log</a> from last night, complete with my commentary.</p> <p>It seems like besides the times where the call did not go out like it was supposed to, there might also need to be repeat calls made during times where we sit out of Observing for longer periods of time, maybe once per hour or per 30 minutes?</p> GRD <!--- Output file_1_82359 div --> <div id="file_1_82359" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82359 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82359 div --> <div id="files_1_82359" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82359 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Output file_0_82359 div --> <div id="file_0_82359" class="commentHdr"> Non-image files attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_0_82359 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_0_82359 div --> <div id="files_0_82359" class="reportDetails"> <div class="uploadedImg"> <div class="uploadedFileType"><img src="" class="" /></div> <div class="uploadedFileName"><a href="" target="blank">IFO_NOTIFY.txt</a></div> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_0_82359 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:53:04 -0800 H1 General H1 ISC - Comment to Correcting cumulative range estimation <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82358</p><p>Derek and I have just updated a document to the DCC with a full workup of this change and some fun examples, see&nbsp;<a href="">P2500021</a>.</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 13:23:18 -0800 H1 ISC LHO VE - Mon CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82357</p><p><strong>Mon Jan 20 10:08:53 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 8min 50secs</strong></p> <p>TCmins [-75C, -73C] OAT (-1C, 30F). deltaTemp trip time 10:08:55.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82357 div --> <div id="file_1_82357" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82357 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82357 div --> <div id="files_1_82357" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82357 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 10:13:32 -0800 LHO VE H1 General - Comment to Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82356</p><p>I had forgotten to post my summary for Friday DAY due to some parts-searching, so here is what I had:</p> <p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/17 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 158Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Oli<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>H1 locked entire shift!&nbsp; There was a short 1-min break for a calibration change.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <ul> <li>1557--1626 Optics lab cleaning (kim)</li> <li>1816--2000 Looking for ISS Array cables/parts (Rahul, Keita, fellows)</li> <li>2022 GRB short alert</li> <li>2050--2150 Tooling search at mids (jim, mitch)</li> <li>2131--2132 Drop out for Calibration filter change; approved by Jenne (Louis)</li> <li>2245-0015&nbsp;parts search (corey)</li> </ul> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 09:52:40 -0800 H1 General LHO General - Mon DAY Ops Transition <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82354</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/20 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Lock Acquisition<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 5mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.26 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>H1 has been locked for about 2hrs on this chilly (~22degF) morning with low winds and microseism between the 50th &amp; 95th percentile.</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 07:50:44 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Comment to OPS OWL assistance <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82353</p><p>13:58 UTC Observing, I adjusted the OPO temperature before I went into observing.</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2025 05:59:40 -0800 H1 General H1 General - OPS OWL assistance <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82352</p><p>12:19 UTC lockloss, IFO_NOTIFY says its was in NLN with SDF diffs, but we lost lock moments before I logged in.</p> Lockloss Mon, 20 Jan 2025 04:44:42 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift End <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82351</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/20 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Lock Acquisition<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Relocking from the <a href="">lockloss</a> and currently at PREP_DC_READOUT_TRANSITION. I didn&#39;t change the damping for ETMY mode1 officially, but it seems like it will need to be made permanent. Besides the lockloss everything was quiet, I ran an initial alignment and helped ALSY a bit and we have had no issues relocking.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <p>21:20 Changed damping for ETMY mode1 to be only FM1 and FM10 (nominal is FM1 FM8 FM10), and gain to -0.2 (same as TJ did yesterday <a href="">82340</a>)</p> <p>04:37 <a href="">Lockloss </a><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 04:40 Initial alignment</p> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 22:02:18 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Lockloss <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82350</p><p><a href="">Lockloss @ 01/20 04:37 UTC</a> after over 13 hours locked</p> Lockloss Sun, 19 Jan 2025 20:38:39 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops EVE Midshift Status <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82349</p><p>Observing and have been Locked for 10 hours now. Nothing to report.</p> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 17:29:24 -0800 H1 General LHO General - Ops Day Shift Summary <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82347</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/19 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 157Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Oli<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY: </strong>Quiet day with H1 observing for the duration and one candidate superevent. H1 has now been locked for almost 6 hours.</p> <ul> <li>19:02 - <a href="">S250119cv</a></li> </ul> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:17:00 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82348</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/19 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 159Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan S<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 10mph Gusts, 7mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.04 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.24 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>Observing and have been Locked for almost 6 hours.</p> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:07:43 -0800 H1 General LHO VE - Sun CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82346</p><p><strong>Sun Jan 19 10:04:19 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 16secs</strong></p> <p>TCmins [-65C, -64C] OAT (-1C, 30F). I&#39;m testing delta-temperature&nbsp;based trip code in parallel, it tripped at 10:04:21.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82346 div --> <div id="file_1_82346" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82346 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82346 div --> <div id="files_1_82346" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82346 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 10:10:37 -0800 LHO VE H1 CDS - Possible correlation between vacuum blip at EX and H1 range drop <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82345</p><p>At 02:31 PST this morning we had a slight vacuum glitch at EX originating at X2-8 (beam tube 220m from EX). Gas levels were low, well below VACSTAT trip levels. Pump down time was about 6 minutes. Attached plot show a coincident drop in H1 range at this time.</p> <p>Second plot shows a similar correlation for an EX glitch on Sat 11 Jan 05:45 PST.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82345 div --> <div id="file_1_82345" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82345 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82345 div --> <div id="files_1_82345" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82345 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 09:45:32 -0800 H1 CDS LHO General - Ops Day Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82344</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/19 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 146Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 5mph Gusts, 2mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.07 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.34 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY: </strong>H1 has been locked and observing for 20 minutes. Range is lower than I&#39;d expect, but perhaps it will come up as things thermalize. Looks like H1 <a href="">lost lock at 13:41 this morning</a> from an unknown cause (no sign of ETM glitch that I can see) and relocked itself after running an initial alignment.</p> <ul> <li>Wind is low, secondary microseism slightly higher than yesterday just under 90th percentile</li> <li>All other systems nominal</li> </ul> Lockloss <!--- Output file_1_82344 div --> <div id="file_1_82344" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82344 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82344 div --> <div id="files_1_82344" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82344 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Sun, 19 Jan 2025 07:43:50 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift End <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82343</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/19 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 157Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Currently Observing at 157 Mpc and have been Locked for almost 40 hours. Quiet night where the only thing that happened is that I got my <a href="">third superevent candidate</a> of the weekend!!<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <p>02:51 Superevent candidate <a href="">S250119ag</a></p> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 22:00:03 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops EVE Midshift Status <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82342</p><p>Observing at 155Mpc and have now been Locked for 35.5 hours. Secondary microseism is on the rise but not too bad yet. Nothing to report.</p> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 17:47:59 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82341</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/18 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 161Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> TJ<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 3mph Gusts, 1mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.06 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.25 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>Observing at 161 Mpc and have been Locked for almost 31 hours. I&#39;ll keep an eye on ETMY mode1, but it&#39;s looking good right now.</p> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 12:58:15 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops Day Shift Summary <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82340</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/18 Day Shift: 1530-2100 UTC (0730-1300 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 160Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Oli<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Locked for 30.5 hours. Violin mode ETMY mode 1 was rung up this morning, but changing the damping to no phase and -0.2 gain has damped the mode down nicely. Coordinated calibration measurements were run and other than that we have been observing the whole time.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong></p> <ul> <li>1933 Out of observing for calibration measurement</li> <li>2004 Observing</li> </ul> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 12:55:45 -0800 H1 General H1 CAL - Calibration Sweep 1930 UTC <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82339</p><p>Ran the usual coordinated calibration sweep following the <a href="">wiki</a>. The IFO has been locked for 29 hours.</p> <p>Simulines start:</p> <p>PST: 2025-01-18 11:39:53.237752 PST<br /> UTC: 2025-01-18 19:39:53.237752 UTC<br /> GPS: 1421264411.237752</p> <p>Simulines end:</p> <p>PST: 2025-01-18 12:05:08.721297 PST<br /> UTC: 2025-01-18 20:05:08.721297 UTC<br /> GPS: 1421265926.721297</p> <p>Files:</p> <p>2025-01-18 20:05:08,547 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20250118T193956Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-18 20:05:08,565 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20250118T193956Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-18 20:05:08,576 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20250118T193956Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-18 20:05:08,587 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20250118T193956Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-18 20:05:08,598 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20250118T193956Z.hdf5</p> <!--- Output file_1_82339 div --> <div id="file_1_82339" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82339 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82339 div --> <div id="files_1_82339" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82339 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 12:05:48 -0800 H1 CAL LHO VE - Sat CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82338</p><p><strong>Sat Jan 18 10:04:21 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 18secs</strong></p> <p>TCmins [-69C, -67C] OAT (0C,32F)</p> <!--- Output file_1_82338 div --> <div id="file_1_82338" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82338 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82338 div --> <div id="files_1_82338" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82338 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:11:15 -0800 LHO VE H1 General - Day shift update <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82337</p><p>Violin mode ETMY mode 1 was turned off via the VIOLIN_DAMPING gaurdian around 05UTC last night, log excerpt below. Leaving it with no gain had it not increasing and actually decreasing but at a rate that was basically stagnant. Currently, FM1&amp;10 with a gain of -0.1 seems to be working, but I know that this gain has had the damping turn around later so I might damp it till it gets to a low enough level then turn it off.</p> <p>2025-01-18_05:44:47.588350Z VIOLIN_DAMPING [] timer[&#39;shortSleep&#39;] done<br /> 2025-01-18_05:44:47.647819Z VIOLIN_DAMPING [] ETMY mode 1 is growing!! &nbsp;turning off gain<br /> 2025-01-18_05:44:47.648013Z VIOLIN_DAMPING [] inUse_mon {&#39;starting_mon&#39;: 3.4628171681603113, &#39;starting_gai<br /> n&#39;: 0.1, &#39;done_damping&#39;: False, &#39;inUse_mon&#39;: 3.4628171681603113, &#39;reset_number&#39;: 0, &#39;guardian_gain&#39;: 0.1, &#39;guardian_damping&#39;: True}<br /> 2025-01-18_05:44:47.648113Z VIOLIN_DAMPING [] current monitor level 4.462891708360431<br /> 2025-01-18_05:44:47.648788Z VIOLIN_DAMPING [] ezca: H1:SUS-ETMY_L2_DAMP_MODE1_GAIN =&gt; 0</p> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 09:38:49 -0800 H1 General LHO General - Ops Day Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82336</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/18 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 159Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 6mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.06 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.19 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong> Locked for 25.5 hours. No alarms, but ETMY violin mode 1 seems to be slowly ringing up. I&#39;ll start work on damping that. The primary useism seems to have gone up a bit in the last 6 hours, but not the secondary.</p> Sat, 18 Jan 2025 07:51:04 -0800 LHO General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift End <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82335</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/18 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 155Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong> Observing at 157 Mpc and have been Locked for almost 16 hours. Quiet night. I did find the Paging System power cord plugged in - not sure how long it&#39;s been plugged in but I unplugged it.</p> <p>We had a candidate come in earlier (<a href="">S250118t</a>), and then one just came in a couple of minutes ago (<a href="">S250118az</a>)!</p> <p>Our range hasn&#39;t been great this evening. I&#39;m not sure why we&#39;ve been fluctuating so much, but I don&#39;t think it&#39;s related to squeezing, and the low range diaggui didn&#39;t show much. Right now we&#39;re back to doing okay range-wise.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><strong>LOG:</strong></p> <p>02:32 Superevent candidate <a href="">S250118t</a></p> <p>05:58 Superevent candidate <a href="">S250118az</a></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Start Time</th> <th>System</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Lazer_Haz</th> <th>Task</th> <th>Time End</th> </tr> <tr> <td>22:47</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Corey</td> <td>OpticsLab</td> <td>n</td> <td>Parts hunting</td> <td>23:49</td> </tr> <tr> <td>22:48</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Betsy</td> <td>OpticsLab</td> <td>n</td> <td>Corey hunting</td> <td>23:39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>00:40</td> <td>PCAL</td> <td>Francisco</td> <td>PCAL Lab</td> <td>y(local)</td> <td>Setting up measurement</td> <td>00:59</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 22:03:26 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops EVE Midshift Status <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82334</p><p>Currently Observing at 153 Mpc and have been Locked for 14 hours. Our range has been slowly dropping over the part few hours. Not sure why yet</p> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 20:11:16 -0800 H1 General H1 General - Ops Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82333</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/18 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 160Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Corey<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 10mph Gusts, 7mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.23 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>Observing and have been Locked for over 10 hours. Range dipped a bit earlier due to unknown reasons, but looks to be slowly coming back up.</p> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:24:48 -0800 H1 General LHO FMCS - HVAC Fan Vibrometers Check FAMIS <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82332</p><p>Closes <a href="">FAMIS#26354</a>, last checked <a href="">82116</a></p> <p>** Looking at last 2 weeks since last checked was on 01/04</p> <p><strong>Corner Station Fans</strong> (<a href="">attachment1</a>)<br /> - All fans are looking normal and within range. There did look to be a period of extra noise following some sort of work done yesterday (Thursday 01/16) on MR FAN1 2, but that looks to have calmed down now.</p> <p><strong>Outbuilding Fans </strong>(<a href="">attachment2</a>)<br /> - All fans are looking normal and are within range.</p> PEM <!--- Output file_1_82332 div --> <div id="file_1_82332" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82332 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82332 div --> <div id="files_1_82332" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82332 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 15:26:22 -0800 LHO FMCS H1 ISC - Comment to Evidence for in-band lines caused by aliasing of lines in high-sampled frequency DCPD ADC <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82331</p>E. Goetz, L. Dartez We temporarily added extra digital AA filtering in the DCPD A1/2 B1/2 TEST banks (we are planning to revert to on Tuesday), to see if we can suppress the aliased artifacts. Repeating the same procedure as before: computing the ratio of the ASD of the decimated data to the ASD of the full 524 kHz band data, both with and without the extra digital AA filtering we can see a significant improvement in the low frequency artifacts. The temporary filtering is just copies of the standard 524k-65k and 65k-16k filters, but it shows significant reduction in low frequency artifacts (see especially Figure 2). This suggests that improvements to the sensing path anti-aliasing filtering would be beneficial to detector sensitivity, reducing the impacts of high frequency artifacts that are being aliased to in-band.CAL, DetChar, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82331 div --> <div id="file_1_82331" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82331 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82331 div --> <div id="files_1_82331" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82331 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 14:34:33 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Evidence for in-band lines caused by aliasing of lines in high-sampled frequency DCPD ADC <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82329</p>E. Goetz, J. Kissel, L. Dartez <b>Summary:</b> There is evidence that some of the lines found in the gravitational wave band are actually aliased lines from higher frequencies. So far it is unclear exactly how many of the lines in the run-averaged list are due to this problem and if the lines are stationary or if violin ring-ups may induce more lines in band due to aliasing artifacts. Further investigation is needed, but this investigation suggests that the current level of anti-aliasing is insufficient to suppress the artifacts at high frequency aliasing into the gravitational wave band. <b>Details:</b> We used the live, test-point acquisition of the 524 kHz sampled DCPD data in DTT, channel H1:OMC-DCPD_B1_OUT (equivalent to the nominal H1:OMC-DCPD_B0_OUT channel used in loop). This channel had the same 524k-65k and 65k-16k decimation digital AA filtering applied. The time series was exported from DTT and processed by stitching together the time segments into a single time series. Then one can process the time series using the scipy.signal.welch() function of 1) the full 524 kHz sampled data, 2) 524 kHz sampled data decimated (no additional AA filtering) by a factor of 32 to get the 16 kHz sampled frequency data, 3) 524 kHz sampled data decimated using additional AA filtering by using the scipy.signal.decimate() function which has a built-in anti-aliasing filter. We also plotted in DTT the individual channels against the 16k H1:OMC-DCPD_B_OUT_DQ channel, showing that some of the lines are visible in the in-loop DCPD 16 kHz channel, but not visible in the test point 524 kHz channels. Figure 1: ASD of raw 524 kHz data (blue), decimated data without any extra anti-aliasing filter applied (orange), and decimated data with additional anti-aliasing filtering (green). Orange peaks are visible above the blue and green traces above ~750 Hz. Figure 2: ASD ratio of the decimated data without anti-aliasing filtering to the raw data showing the noise artifacts Figure 3: Zoom of figure 2 near 758 Hz Figure 4: ASD computed from DTT showing DCPD B Ch 1, 5, 9, 13 and and the H1:OMC-DCPD_B_OUT_DQ channel at the same time as the 9 and 13 channels were acquired (limitations of the front end handling of 524 kHz test points to DTT) Figure 5: Zoom of figure 4 near 758 Hz We were also interested in the time-variability of these artifacts and watched the behaviour of H1:OMC-DCPD_B_OUT_DQ, and saw amplitude variations on the order of factors of a few and frequency shifts on the order of 0.1 Hz, at least for the artifacts observed near 758 Hz. Figures 4 and 5 indicate that there are more artifacts not necessarily directly caused by aliasing; perhaps these are non-linearity artifacts? This needs further study. A count of the number of 0.125 Hz frequency bins from 0 to 8192 Hz of the ratio between downsampling without additional anti-aliasing filtering and the raw 524 kHz ASD indicates that ~4900 bins are above a threshold of 1.1 (though most of those bins are above 2 kHz, as indicated by figure 2).CAL, DetChar, ISC <!--- Output file_1_82329 div --> <div id="file_1_82329" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82329 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82329 div --> <div id="files_1_82329" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82329 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 13:18:27 -0800 H1 ISC H1 SEI - Comment to HAM1 Summary: Beam Diverter Optic Swap, New REFL PD Prep Work, (4) L4C sensors installed inside Optics Table <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82330</p><p>Since, there has been a recent search for the D1300278 cables, and just for documentation, wanting to update this alog to note that the cable for this new REFL PD (LSC REFL B) was <a href="">D1300278-V2-S1301459</a> (the shorter 106&quot; long cable) and entered into ICS for this installation in Nov2018.</p> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:57:01 -0800 H1 SEI LHO VE - Fri CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82328</p><p><strong>Fri Jan 17 10:09:34 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 9min 30secs</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--- Output file_1_82328 div --> <div id="file_1_82328" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82328 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82328 div --> <div id="files_1_82328" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82328 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 10:22:37 -0800 LHO VE H1 PSL - PSL Status Report (FAMIS #26349) <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82327</p><p><strong>Laser Status</strong>:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NPRO output power is <strong>1.842</strong>W<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AMP1 output power is <strong>70.11</strong>W<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AMP2 output power is <strong>137.6</strong>W<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NPRO watchdog is <strong>GREEN</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AMP1 watchdog is <strong>GREEN</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AMP2 watchdog is <strong>GREEN</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PDWD watchdog is <strong>GREEN</strong></p> <p><strong>PMC</strong>:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It has been locked <strong>30</strong> days, <strong>21</strong> hr <strong>54</strong> minutes<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reflected power = <strong>25.75</strong>W<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Transmitted power = <strong>102.5</strong>W<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PowerSum = <strong>128.2</strong>W</p> <p><strong>FSS</strong>:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It has been locked for <strong>0</strong> days <strong>2</strong> hr and <strong>54</strong> min<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TPD[V] = <strong>0.773</strong>V</p> <p><strong>ISS</strong>:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The diffracted power is around <strong>4.0</strong>%<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Last saturation event was <strong>0</strong> days <strong>2</strong> hours and <strong>54</strong> minutes ago</p> <p><br /> <strong>Possible Issues:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PMC reflected power is high</p> PSL Fri, 17 Jan 2025 08:02:46 -0800 H1 PSL LHO General - Fri Ops Day Transition <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82325</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/17 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 156Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 5mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.02 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.22 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p>H1 had 2-locklosses overnight which came back automatically.&nbsp; Ther was a drop from 0944--0945 due to PI24.&nbsp; Microseism is squarely between 50th-95th percentile and winds are low.&nbsp; Nuc31&#39;s USGS website needed a refresh; nuc35&#39;s MC2 &amp; PR2 cameras are offline/blue.</p> Fri, 17 Jan 2025 07:45:54 -0800 LHO General LHO General - OPS Eve Shift Summary <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82324</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/17 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 154Mpc<br /> <strong>INCOMING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan C<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p><strong>IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 22:34 UTC (7hr 30 min lock)</strong></p> <p>Smooth shift locked the whole time.<br /> <strong>LOG:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Start Time</th> <th>System</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Lazer_Haz</th> <th>Task</th> <th>Time End</th> </tr> <tr> <td>17:16</td> <td>SAFETY</td> <td>LAZER HAZ&nbsp; (\u2310\u25a0_\u25a0)</td> <td>LVEA</td> <td>!!!YES!!!</td> <td>LVEA = LASER HAZARD!</td> <td>16:51</td> </tr> <tr> <td>00:28</td> <td>JOG</td> <td>Camilla</td> <td>Y arm</td> <td>n</td> <td>Improve or maintain health</td> <td>01:00</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 22:01:18 -0800 LHO General LHO General - OPS Eve Shift Start <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82321</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/17 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 158Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Tony<br /> <strong>SHIFT SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p><strong>IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 22:34 UTC</strong></p> <p><strong>LOG:</strong></p> <p>None</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:13:59 -0800 LHO General H1 TCS - Comment to CO2Y RIN at CW and PWM <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82319</p><p>I misread the graph, for CW 100%</p> <ul> <li>CW = 3880 counts, 49.1W laser power ~&nbsp;<strong>RIN&nbsp;1.5e-6&nbsp;</strong>but limited by electronics noise (6e-3/3880). This is higher than&nbsp;the 6 x 10<sup>-7</sup>&nbsp;measured in&nbsp;<a href="">81863</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:16:10 -0800 H1 TCS LHO FMCS - Increasing temperatures in Zone 2A and 5 in LVEA <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82318</p>The increase in space temperature in zones 2A and 5 in the LVEA this morning appears to be from sun exposure on the building. Both zones experienced rapid increases at the same time, at the same rate of increase. Both zones have the most sun exposure during the morning hours. The space sensors are located in the exterior walls which makes them susceptible to radiant heating during periods of direct sun exposure. These sensor locations also caused issues at the mid and end stations, when the southern exposures routinely read colder when the winds blow. I have made slight adjustments to the set points in zones 2A and 5 to accommodate for the sun exposure. If it continues to be a problem, sensor relocation will likely be needed. Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:38:46 -0800 LHO FMCS H1 ISC - Optimising OMC QPD offsets <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82316</p><p>We haven&#39;t aligned the OMC ASC for while so today I did Gabriele&#39;s method where we inject lines in the four OMC ASC loops at different frequencies and then demodulate the 410 Hz PCAL line at these frequencies and then at 410Hz to look at which combination of offsets improves our optical gain the most.</p> <p>The plot of BLRMS of the DCPD_SUM_OUT at 410 Hz vs. QPD offset is shown below.</p> <p>The start and end times used were 17:22:40 UTC and 17:42:40 UTC.</p> <p>The detector was in NLN s but squeezing was turned off.</p> <p>The code is at /ligo/home/jennifer.wright/git/2025/OMC_Alignment/OMC_Alignment_2025_01_16.ipynb.</p> <p>Usually the start and end times the plots use contain some times without the OMC ASC lines but that was not possivle here as we went to NLN_CAL_MEAS before I had turned off the lines.</p> <p>Looking at the plot, I think we need to change</p> <p>H1:ASC-OMC_A_PIT_OFFSET by -0.1</p> <p>H1:ASC-OMC_A_YAW_OFFSET by 0.075</p> <p>H1:ASC-OMC_A_PIT_OFFSET by -0.075</p> <p>H1:ASC-OMC_A_YAW_OFFSET by 0.08</p> <p>or something close to these.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--- Output file_1_82316 div --> <div id="file_1_82316" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82316 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82316 div --> <div id="files_1_82316" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82316 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:53:53 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Reducing ETMX glitches <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82315</p><p>As a follow up to my other post about ETMX glitches, I looked at using a strategy used in DRMI locking to try to help the IFO ride through the high frequency glitches that have been causing locklosses. On the BS suspension the ISC path includes filters that whiten the high frequency ISC signal, a limit is applied to that whitened signal then it&#39;s dewhitened. Think the filters used for this are a zpk(1,200,1) and it&#39;s inverse, with a limit of 50000 in the ISC input to the BS.</p> <p>I attempted to look at the impact of doing that on a couple glitches leading up to a lockloss. I got data for the ESD drive from one of the lock losses and used lsim in matlab to model the change in the ESD timeseries. The attached image shows the timeseries for each step of whitening, limit and dewhiten compared to the original glitch. It&#39;s not a proper model of the DARM loop, Sheila and I might talk about doing that,&nbsp;I just wanted to see if doing the simplest estimate would blow up before digging deeper into it.&nbsp;</p> <p>Thick blue is the original ESD drive from one of the quadrants, Red is the whitened siganl, yellow is the whitened signal limited to below the saturation level for the ESD, and the thin purple line is the dewhitened, final timeseries. The thin line doesn&#39;t show crazy behavior and stays below the saturation threshold (2^19*275, which comes from some adjustments made to accomodate the new dac on ETMX).&nbsp;</p> <p>I expect if this worked, it would inject some higher frequency junk into this segment, but the glitches already do that. The hope is this would reduce the drive from these high frequency saturations and let the IFO ride them out.</p> <!--- Output file_1_82315 div --> <div id="file_1_82315" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82315 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82315 div --> <div id="files_1_82315" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82315 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:34:34 -0800 H1 ISC H1 ISC - Filters redone in DCPD A1, A2, and B1, B2 TEST filter banks <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82313</p>J. Kissel More changes along the lines of <a href="">LHO:82261</a>. As we continue to explore the configurations of the OMC DCPD channels, probing anti-aliasing and ADC noise, we find it helpful to have all of the frequency-dependent, actual physical channel filter differences available in all four test banks. As such, I&#39;ve - changed the name of gain(0.25) filter from "sum2avg" to "sum4avg." Pun intended. - Copied the DCPD A "NewV2A" and "NewAW" from A0 now called "A_V2A" and "A_AW" into FM2 and FM3, - Copied the DCPD B "NewV2A" and "NewAW" from B0 now called "B_V2A" and "B_AW" into FM4 and FM5, and - Moved all of the channel-independent gains to the bottom row, FM6: "18b_cts2V" gain of 40 / 2^18 [V/ct] FM7: "sum4avg" gain of 0.25 FM8: "A2mA" - keeping only the FM1, 1 Hz 5th order elliptic highpass and the digital AA decimation filters, Dec65K and Dec16K in FM9 and FM10 in place. This filter file change has been loaded (because we&#39;re not in observing at the moment), and committed to the userapps repo,<font face="courier"> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/h1/filterfiles/ H1IOPOMC0.txt rev 30421. </font> <!--- Output file_1_82313 div --> <div id="file_1_82313" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82313 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82313 div --> <div id="files_1_82313" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82313 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:53:02 -0800 H1 ISC H1 General - Thursday mid shift Lockloss <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82314</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/16 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Lock Acquisition<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan S<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 6mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.23 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong></p> <p><strong>Comissioning Activities:&nbsp;</strong><br /> Calibration sweep: completed<em> </em><br /> OMC ASC Alignment test : Completed<br /> PR2 Beam spot measurement : Ongoing.<br /> PEM CPS Slider Ghost beam investigations: ongoing<br /> SRC Injection sweeps: Complete<br /> Squeeze measurements: Ongoing.<br /> <br /> <a href="">Lockloss from NLN_CAL_MEAS @ 18:56 UTC </a><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>Alarm Handler:<br /> Dust PSL&nbsp; 101 again.</p> Lockloss <!--- Output file_1_82314 div --> <div id="file_1_82314" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82314 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82314 div --> <div id="files_1_82314" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82314 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:36:01 -0800 H1 General H1 AOS - pause added to guardian state 557 <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82312</p><p>Camilla, Sheila, Erik</p> <p>Erik points out that we&#39;ve lost lock 54 times since November in the guardian states 557 558 transition from ETMX or low noise ESD ETMX.&nbsp;</p> <p>We thought that part of the problem with this state was a glitch caused when the boost filter in DARM1 FM1 is turned off, which motivated Erik&#39;s change to the filter ramping on Tuesday <a href="">82263</a>, which was later reverted after two locklosses that happened 12 seconds after the filter ramp, <a href="">82284</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Today we added 5 seconds to the pause after the filter is ramped off (previously the filter ramp time and the pause were both 10 seconds long, now the filter ramp time is still 10 seconds but the pause is 15 seconds).&nbsp; We hope this will allow us to better tell if the filter ramp is the problem or something that happens immediately after.</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 10:51:32 -0800 H1 AOS LHO VE - Thu CP1 Fill <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82310</p><p><strong>Thu Jan 16 10:06:15 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 6min 12secs</strong></p> <p>Jordan confirmed a good fill curbside. TCs started high around +30C so trip temp was raised to -30C for today&#39;s fill. TCmins [-55C, -54C] OAT (2C, 36F).</p> <!--- Output file_1_82310 div --> <div id="file_1_82310" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82310 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82310 div --> <div id="files_1_82310" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82310 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 10:10:54 -0800 LHO VE H1 General - Comment to Lights had been on in LVEA Since Tuesday <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82309</p><p>Opened&nbsp;<a href="">FRS33087</a>&nbsp;to potentially install a Gneiss environment&nbsp;monitor in the LVEA to read light levels via EPICS.</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:35:38 -0800 H1 General H1 CDS - Comment to Single Long Range Dolphin IPC receive errors on end station models for channels sent by the h1lsc model <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82308</p><p>I have cleared the end station SUS errors with a DIAG_REST when H1 was out of observe.</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:33:51 -0800 H1 CDS H1 CDS - Comment to Single Long Range Dolphin IPC receive errors on end station models for channels sent by the h1lsc model <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82307</p><p><a href="">FRS33085</a>&nbsp;is an umbrella ticket covering any IPC errors seen during O4.</p> <p>Yesterday&#39;s IPC receive error was the fourth occurence during O4, we are averaging roughly one every six months.</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:19:27 -0800 H1 CDS H1 General - Lights had been on in LVEA Since Tuesday <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82306</p><p>Robert and I just went into the LVEA for Commissioning&nbsp;activities and the lights were already on. Expect they had been left on since Tuesday.&nbsp;</p> DetChar Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:18:24 -0800 H1 General H1 CAL - Calibration Sweep <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82305</p><p><u><strong>Latest Calibration</strong></u><em><strong>:<br /> gpstime;python /ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/ -i /ligo/groups/cal/H1/simulines_settings/newDARM_20231221/settings_h1_newDARM_scaled_by_drivealign_20231221_factor_p1.ini;gpstime</strong></em></p> <p>notification: end of measurement<br /> notification: end of test<br /> diag&gt; save /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_BB/PCALY2DARM_BB_20250116T163130Z.xml<br /> /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_BB/PCALY2DARM_BB_20250116T163130Z.xml saved<br /> diag&gt; quit<br /> EXIT KERNEL</p> <p>2025-01-16 08:36:40,405 bb measurement complete.<br /> 2025-01-16 08:36:40,405 bb output: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_BB/PCALY2DARM_BB_20250116T163130Z.xml<br /> 2025-01-16 08:36:40,405 all measurements complete.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> <em><strong>gpstime;python /ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/ -i /ligo/groups/cal/H1/simulines_settings/newDARM_20231221/settings_h1_newDARM_scaled_by_drivealign_20231221_factor_p1.ini;gpstime</strong></em><br /> PST: 2025-01-16 08:40:33.517638 PST<br /> UTC: 2025-01-16 16:40:33.517638 UTC<br /> GPS: 1421080851.517638</p> <p>2025-01-16 17:03:33,281 | INFO | 0 still running.<br /> 2025-01-16 17:03:33,281 | INFO | gathering data for a few more seconds<br /> 2025-01-16 17:03:39,283 | INFO | Finished gathering data. Data ends at 1421082236.0<br /> 2025-01-16 17:03:39,501 | INFO | It is SAFE TO RETURN TO OBSERVING now, whilst data is processed.<br /> 2025-01-16 17:03:39,501 | INFO | Commencing data processing.<br /> 025-01-16 17:03:39,501 | INFO | Ending lockloss monitor. This is either due to having completed the measurement, and this functionality being terminated; or because the whole process was aborted.<br /> 2025-01-16 17:04:16,833 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20250116T164034Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-16 17:04:16,840 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20250116T164034Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-16 17:04:16,845 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20250116T164034Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-16 17:04:16,850 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20250116T164034Z.hdf5<br /> 2025-01-16 17:04:16,854 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20250116T164034Z.hdf5<br /> ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1289567, errno = 32<br /> PST: 2025-01-16 09:04:16.931501 PST<br /> UTC: 2025-01-16 17:04:16.931501 UTC<br /> GPS: 1421082274.931501</p> <!--- Output file_1_82305 div --> <div id="file_1_82305" class="commentHdr"> Images attached to this report <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close file_1_82305 div --> </div> <!--- Output files_1_82305 div --> <div id="files_1_82305" class="reportDetails"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" class="outputImg" /></a> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> <!--- Close files_1_82305 div --> </div> <!-- Output break div. --> <div class="break"></div> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:13:56 -0800 H1 CAL H1 General - Thursday Morning Shift report <p>Author:</p><p>Report ID: 82304</p><p><strong>TITLE:</strong> 01/16 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC<br /> <strong>STATE of H1:</strong> Observing at 156Mpc<br /> <strong>OUTGOING OPERATOR:</strong> Ryan S<br /> <strong>CURRENT ENVIRONMENT:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SEI_ENV state: CALM<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wind: 21mph Gusts, 13mph 3min avg<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Primary useism: 0.03 &mu;m/s<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secondary useism: 0.27 &mu;m/s<br /> <strong>QUICK SUMMARY:</strong><br /> IFO Locked for 24 hours!<br /> Planned Comissioning time today from 16:30- 19:30 UTC where we will drop from observing for comissioning and calibration activities.<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>Alarm handler:</strong><br /> PSL Dust 101 &amp; 102<br /> <br /> Red but not actively alarming:<br /> Vacuum alert: H0:VAC-LX_Y0_PT110_MOD1_PRESS_TORR<br /> Trending this channel back it looks like its been red for days, and this <a href="">Alog</a> mentions that its not currently running</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:51:03 -0800 H1 General