controls@opsws2:~ 0$ userapps #### Copy a known working safe.snap file /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ ~ controls@opsws2:release 0$ cd h1/sus/burtfiles/ controls@opsws2:burtfiles 0$ svn mkdir itmy # Make and commit a new folder for the optic, if it doesn't exist A itmy controls@opsws2:burtfiles 0$ svn commit -m "" itmy Adding itmy Transmitting file data . Commited to revision 3410. controls@opsws2:burtfiles 0$ cp etmy/h1susetmy_safe.snap itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap # Make the copy controls@opsws2:burtfiles 0$ cd itmy controls@opsws2:itmy 0$ sed -i 's/ETMY/ITMY/g' h1susitmy_safe.snap # Search and replace for the optic name controls@opsws2:itmy 0$ sed -i 's/FEC-98/FEC-30/g' h1susitmy_safe.snap # Search and replace the optic's DCUID (aka FEC) controls@opsws2:itmy 0$ cd /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susitmy/h1susitmyepics/burt/ # Make a soft link in the target directory controls@opsws2:burt 0$ ln -s /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap safe.snap controls@opsws2:burt 0$ ls -l /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susitmy/h1susitmyepics/burt/safe.snap lrwxrwxrwx 1 controls controls 69 2012-11-27 13:25 /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susitmy/h1susitmyepics/burt/safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap controls@opsws2:burt 0$ # done copying working safe.snap controls@opsws2:burt 0$ burtwb -f safe.snap # try it, make sure it works controls@opsws2:burt 0$ # Once confirmed functional, add and commit to the userapps repo. controls@opsws2:burt 0$ svn add /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap A /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/h1susitmy_safe.snap controls@opsws2:burt 0$ svn commit -m "New safe.snap; copied from ETMY, then search & replaced for ITMY and FEC-30." /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap Sending release/sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/h1susitmy_safe.snap Transmitting file data . Committed revision 3411. controls@opsws2:burt 0$ controls@opsws2:burt 0$ controls@opsws2:burt 0$ userapps #### Copy a known working filter file /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susitmy/h1susitmyepics/burt/ controls@opsws2:release 0$ cd sus/h1/filterfiles/ controls@opsws2:filterfiles 0$ cp H1SUSETMY.txt H1SUSITMY.txt # Make the copy controls@opsws2:filterfiles 0$ sed -i 's/ETMY/ITMY/g' H1SUSITMY.txt # Search and replace for the optic's name controls@opsws2:filterfiles 0$ chans # Make a soft line in the chans directory /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/ /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/filterfiles/ controls@opsws2:chans 0$ ln -s /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/filterfiles/H1SUSITMY.txt H1SUSITMY.txt controls@opsws2:chans 0$ # done copying working safe.snap controls@opsws2:chans 0$ caput H1:FEC-30_LOAD_NEW_COEFF 1 # Load new coeffcients Old : H1:FEC-30_LOAD_NEW_COEFF 0 New : H1:FEC-30_LOAD_NEW_COEFF 1 controls@opsws2:chans 0$ # Once confirmed functional, add and commit to the userapps repo. controls@opsws2:chans 0$ svn add /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/filterfiles/H1SUSITMY.txt A /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/filterfiles/H1SUSITMY.txt controls@opsws2:chans 0$ svn commit -m "New filter file, copied from H1SUSETMY.txt, then searched ETMY and replaced for ITMY." /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/filterfiles/H1SUSITMY.txt Adding release/sus/h1/filterfiles/H1SUSITMY.txt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 3412. controls@opsws2:chans 0$ controls@opsws2:chans 0$ controls@opsws2:chans 0$ userapps #### Install correct ISI<->SUS projection matrices /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/ controls@opsws2:release 0$ cd isc/common/projections/ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ svn up At revision 3412. controls@opsws2:projections 0$ matlab -nojvm -nosplash < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. Version (R2010a) 64-bit (glnxa64) February 5, 2010 To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. For product information, visit >> load ISI2SUS_projection_file %% Load in structure where projection matrices are stored >> which fill_matrix_values %% Make sure you have fill_matrix_values 'fill_matrix_values' not found. >> addpath('/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/') %% Add it if you don't >> which fill_matrix_values /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/fill_matrix_values.m >> fill_matrix_values('H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_CART2EUL',ISI2SUSprojections.h1.itmy.CART2EUL) %% Fill in CART2EUL matrix Old : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_CART2EUL_1_1 0 New : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_CART2EUL_1_1 0 ... ... Old : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_CART2EUL_6_6 0 New : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_CART2EUL_6_6 0 >> fill_matrix_values('H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_EUL2CART',ISI2SUSprojections.h1.itmy.EUL2CART) %% Fill in EUL2CART matrix Old : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_EUL2CART_1_1 0 New : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_EUL2CART_1_1 0 ... ... Old : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_EUL2CART_6_6 0 New : H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_EUL2CART_6_6 0 >> exit controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_MASTERSWITCH 0 #### Turn OFF Masterswitch controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_OPTICALIGN_P_OFFSET 0 #### Zero out any offsets from previous SUS controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_OPTICALIGN_Y_OFFSET 0 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_OPTICALIGN_P_OFFSET 0 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_OPTICALIGN_Y_OFFSET 0 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ #### Make sure all damping loops are off contorls@opsws2:projections 0$ ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_L OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_T OUTPUT OFF;ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_V OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_R OUTPUT OFF;ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_P OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_DAMP_Y OUTPUT OFF;ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_L OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_T OUTPUT OFF;ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_V OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_R OUTPUT OFF;ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_P OUTPUT OFF; ezcaswitch H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_DAMP_Y OUTPUT OFF; controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caget H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_WDMON_CURRENTTRIG #### Make sure no watchdogs are tripping controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caget H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_WDMON_CURRENTTRIG controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caget H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_WDMON_CURRENTTRIG controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caget H1:SUS-ITMY_L2_WDMON_CURRENTTRIG controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_M0_WD_RSET 1 #### Reset watchdogs controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_R0_WD_RSET 1 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_WD_RSET 1 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_L2_WD_RSET 1 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_DACKILL_RESET 1 controls@opsws2:projections 0$ #### Enable coil drivers controls@opsws2:projections 0$ caput H1:SUS-ITMY_BIO_M0_CTENABLE 1;caput H1:SUS-ITMY_BIO_R0_CTENABLE 1;caput H1:SUS-ITMY_BIO_L1_CTENABLE 1;caput H1:SUS-ITMY_BIO_L2_CTENABLE 1; controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ controls@opsws2:projections 0$ userapps #### Take a new safe.snap /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/isc/common/projections/ controls@opsws2:release 0$ cd sus/h1/burtfiles/itmy/ controls@opsws2:itmy 0$ burtrb -f /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susitmy/h1susitmyepics/autoBurt.req > ./h1susitmy_safe.snap controls@opsws2:itmy 0$ svn commit -m "Now with correct CART2EUL and EUL2CART matrices, zeroed out offsets, all damping filters off, all coils enabled, and masterswitch off." h1susitmy_safe.snap Sending h1susitmy_safe.snap Transmitting file data . Committed revision 3415. controls@opsws2:itmy 0$