The "final answer" measurements are 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_MeasSetup_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_MeasSetup_pha.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_pha.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDB_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDB_pha.TXT There were several mistakes and misunderstands as we ramped up our understanding of this circuit, so you'll see files in the directory marked BADBAD. I keep them for future demonstrative purposed and/or to explore whether the data is "good enough" in the future fullness of time, in the limit of infinite person power. Here're their explanations of what happened: - When we first took the data, we forgot to turn the auto-offset off, and so at around ~1 Hz, there's a few frequency points where there's a drop in magnitude. Could confuse the fitter. 2022-02-14_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_AutoOffsetMidMeasBADBAD_mag.TXT 2022-02-14_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_AutoOffsetMidMeasBADBAD_pha.TXT - When we resumed and re-installed the test setup the next day, the DB9 breakout board was not completely engaged, but we only discovered it when we saw the OMCA DCPDB transfer function show up with a factor of 2 less *AC* (~flat region between 10-1000 Hz) gain. Maybe this data set was OK, but the B data set was bad so we engaged the DB9 and retook the three sets. 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_DB9BreakLooseBADBAD_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_DB9BreakLooseBADBAD_pha.TXT - After taking the final MeasSetup results, we realized that the D2100630 PCB drawing was *actually correct* and the test input actually *is* incorrectly pinned. 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDA_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_pha.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDB_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_OMCA_DCPDB_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_pha.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_MeasSetup_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_mag.TXT 2022-02-15_OMCDCPDTIA_MeasSetup_DB9TestInputPosNegFlippedBADBAD_pha.TXT - So then, we flipped the clip leads to the correct pins, and retook all the data. That's the "final answer" data listed above. SR785 Settings for the "final answer data" Display Options Live Dual X-axis logarithmic RPM Frequency OFF Grid ON Grid Div 10 Nyquist grid (irrelevant) Phase suppress 0.000 d/dx window 0.5% (irrelevant) Display Setup Measurement group - swept sine Measurement - freq. resp Upper Display View - Lin mag Units - dB off peak - off phase - dBm ref. imp.- 50 Lower Display View - Phase Unit s- deg Source Auto level Ref - off Amp - 4V_pk Source ramp - on Ramp rate - 5 V/s Offset - 0 Freq Start - 100 mHz Stop - 102.4 kHz Repeat - single shot Type - log AR - off Number of points - 200 Input (Almost entirely the same for both Ch 1 and Ch 2) Source - analog Channel - 1&2 Input mode - A-B Ch1 coupling - DC Input range - 14 dbV Ch 1; 16 dbV Ch 2 AA filter - On Whitening- Off Autorange - Up only AUTO OFFSET: OFF. Averages Settle time - 11.719 ms << this was just what was there, 7.8125 ms is also fine, but maybe we also consider making it longer to decrease the frequency where "settling" switches from Settle Cycles to Settle Time, since 1/11.719 ms = 85 Hz, and 1/7.8125 ms = 128 Hz. No idea why these times are specified to the [usec] level. Settle cycles - 5 << this was too many made the measurement 1.5x longer than it needed to be! Can reduce to 2. Integration time - 152.34 ms Integration cycles - 5