SR785 setup (by hand. didn't want to waste time figure out GPIB setup.) Display Options Display Live Format Dual RPM frequency OFF Grid ON Grid Div 10 Phase Suppress 00e+00 d/dx window 0.5% Display setup -- TOP TRACE Measurement Group Swept Sine Measurement Freq. Resp. View Linear Mag Units > dB Units OFF Pk. units OFF Phase units DEG dBm. ref: 50 BOTTOM TRACE Measurement Group Swept Sine Measurement Freq. Resp. View Phase Units > dB Units OFF Pk. units OFF Phase units DEG dBm. ref: 50 Freq setup Start 0.1 Hz (set up everything with a 10 Hz lower limit for staters) Stop 102.4 kHz Repeat Single Shot [Frequency Spacing] Type log Auto resolution OFF # points 200 Source setup -- SR785 DIFF DRIVER GAS GAIN OF 0.5 PER CHANNEL. SR785 SRC Autolevel ref OFF Amplitude == 0.2 V_pk single ended Means each DB9 channel gets 0.1 V_pk, and Whitening input gets 0.2 V_pk differential across pins 1&6 e.g At peak gain ~1 kHz, in hi gain mode, whitening output gets 50 * 0.2 V_pk diff = 10 V_pk diff Half the range of the ADC. (40 V_pp diff, or 20 V_pk diff) Source Ramp Rate 5 V/sec, but Source Ramping OFF Offset 0.0 V Input Setup -- Input Source - Analog Input Config (both channels) Mode A-B (positive legs into A, negative into B) Coupling DC AA filter ON Wt filter OFF Autorange UP ONLY CH1 input range low gain -10 dBVpk CH2 input range low gain +22 dBVpk hi gain +22 dBVpk Tnsdcr Params (all as default; not used) Tach Input (all as default; not used) Playback Config (all as default; not used) Auto Offset OFF Average Setup -- Settle Time 7.8125 ms Settle Cycles 2 Integration Time 152.34 ms Integration Cycles 5 (1 Hz lower freq bound means measurement takes 172s) (0.5 Hz // 305 s) (0.2 Hz // 676 s) Output Hard Copy Button ASCII Dump Bitmap Printer PC X 8 Bit Bitmap Area Graphs Vector / Plotter PostScript (doesn't matter, unused) Destination Disk File File Start Number 0