11/23/2022 All times in UTC 20:01:49 - IFO Power up 20:07:31 - Drop in input power to PRM due to offsets in ISS second loop (we think) 21:04 - moved to NLN cal meas 21:06:02 2022-11-23_2106UTC_H1_PCALY2DARMTF_BB_3min.xml OMCDCPDSUM/DARMIN1: 1.59101e6 21:11:10 broadband injection ended 21:11:55 Starting DARM OLGTF measurement 21:29:11 PCAL2DARMTF measurement 21:42:34 ETMX L1 iEXC2DARM 21:53:12 L1 PCAL2DARM 22:00:21 L2 iEXC2DARM 22:12:49 L2 PCAL2DARM 22:19:31 L3 iEXC2DARM 22:23:11 L3 PCAL2DARM 22:36:00 2022-11-23_2236UTC_H1_PCALY2DARMTF_BB_3min_sweepend.xml OMCDCPDSUM/DARMIN1: 1.59099E6 22:41:05 broadband injection done -doing another sensing function sweep since systematic error has clearly changed since start of sweeps. 22:43:48 PCAL2DARMTF 22:52 seismic to CALM notification. earthquake mode activated 22:32:42 ----- foton, pushing fudges ---- created 50W_NoD2N and 50W_Gain, deleted O3B* values in CS_DARM_ERR filterbank added 50W_Gain in CS_DARM_CFTD_ERR filterbank accepted SDF changes (took screenshot) for sensing and actuation ---- doing pcal injections again  00:02 PcalY bb injection started: 2022-11-24_0002UTC_H1_PCALY2DARMTF_BB_3min.xml OMCDCPDSUM/DARMIN1: 1.591e6 00:08:00 bb ended -- pushing EPICS records -- pyDARM 0.0.6 not working with 20221118 ini file.  00:22:32 moved back to NLN