Physical Setup Chassis is on the bench in the EE shop, with cover on but not screwed in. Powered with a dual channel power supply with +/-18 (+18.2, -18.1) Current draw on positive leg is 260 mA, 110 mA on negative leg. Consistent with test report. Once powered on, All expected lights turn on. Connected DB25 breakout to front of chassis "Preamp Chamber Interface". For each channel measured - DCPD A channel: +leg = pin 5, -leg = pin 18, - DCPD B channel: +leg = pin 1, -leg = pin 14, During the measurement, the positive leg is shorted to the negative leg with a clip-lead to clip-lead cable This makes sure there's no differential noise at the input from floating input pins AND both legs are shorted to pin 13 (Chassis GND) with clip-lead to clip-lead cables. This establishes chassis GND as the voltage reference. Connected DB9 breakout to back of chassis "To AA/ADC Whitened Output" to readout output referred noise (which should be compared to the ADC noise) For each channel measured - DCPD A channel: +leg = pin 1, -leg = pin 6, - DCPD B channel: +leg = pin 2, -leg = pin 7, For each channel measured (they were measured independently) these output legs were connected differentially to the SR785 channel 2. Clip leads to BNC-style, with red connected to the positive / negative legs, and black (BNC shield) connected to pin 5 (chassis GND). Now for the SR785 software setup (by hand, didn't want to waste time figuring out GPIB setup) Display Options Display: Live Format: Single X-axis: log RPM Frequency: OFF Grid: ON Grid Div: 10 Phase Suppress: 0.0e+00 d/dx window (%): 0.5 Display Setup Measure Group: FFT Measurement: FFT2 (for channel 2) View: Log Mag (really, log amplitude) Units: Vrms/rtHz dB Units: OFF Pk Units: rms PSD Units: ON Phase Units: (deg) dBm Ref Imped: 50 Freq (Three Spans used) Started with Span: 400 Hz Line Width: 500 mHz Acq. Time: 2 sec FFT Lines 800 Base Freq: 102.4 kHz Start: 0 Hz Center Freq.: 200 Hz End Freq: 400 Hz Then for the 4 Hz to 3.6 kHz band, just hit "Span Up" three times. Then for the 32 Hz to 25.6 kHz band, just hit "Span Up" three more times. Input Source: Analog Analyzer Config: Dual Input Config (only CH2 matters) Input Mode: A-B CH2 Coupling: AC CH2 Input Range: -50 dBVpk AA Filter: ON A-Wt Filter: OFF Ch2 Auto Range: Up Only (though auto range was OFF) Average Compute Avgs: Yes Averaging Type: Linear/ Fix Len # Avgs: 30 Display Avg: RMS Time Record Incr.: 100% (All else as default)