2023-02-07 OMC DCPD transimpedance amplifier dark noise. Physical Setup: IMC to OFFLINE so that no light, guaranteed is hitting the DCPDs. by 08:26:00 PST, 16:28:00 UTC Using new BNC interface on the front of the D2200215 whitening chassis (awesome!) BNC to SR785 (plugged into the wall, for better or worse), CH1 A = A+ CH1 B = A- CH2 A = B+ CH2 B = B- ... but at least with the new system, the shields of the BNC are connected to chassis GND. SR785 Setup Display Options Display: Live Format: Dual X-axis: Log RPM Frequency: OFF Grid: ON Grid Div: 10 Phase Suppress: 0.0e+00 d/dx window (%): 0.5 Display Setup UPPER DISPLAY Measure Group: FFT Measurement: FFT1 (for channel 1) View: Log Mag (really, log amplitude) Units: Vrms/rtHz dB Units: OFF Pk Units: rms PSD Units: ON Phase Units: (deg) dBm Ref Imped: 50 LOWER DISPLAY Measure Group: FFT Measurement: FFT2 (for channel 2) View: Log Mag (really, log amplitude) Units: Vrms/rtHz dB Units: OFF Pk Units: rms PSD Units: ON Phase Units: (deg) dBm Ref Imped: 50 Freq (Three Spans used) Started with Span: 400 Hz Line Width: 500 mHz Acq. Time: 2 sec FFT Lines 800 Base Freq: 102.4 kHz Start: 0 Hz Center Freq.: 200 Hz End Freq: 400 Hz Then for the 4 Hz to 3.6 kHz band, just hit "Span Up" three times. Then for the 32 Hz to 25.6 kHz band, just hit "Span Up" three more times. Input Source: Analog Analyzer Config: Dual Input Config ((for BOTH CH1 and CH2) Input Mode: A-B CH2 Coupling: AC CH2 Input Range: -50 dBVpk AA Filter: ON A-Wt Filter: OFF Ch2 Auto Range: Up Only (though auto range was OFF) Average Compute Avgs: Yes Averaging Type: Linear/ Fix Len # Avgs: 50 Display Avg: RMS Time Record Incr.: 100% (All else as default) Output Hard Copy Button: ASCII Dump Destination: Disk File