reviewed H1_calibration_report_20230504T055052Z.pdf specifically, - checked that the residuals on the sweeps are flat in the fit regions (and look reasonable against the previous collections of sweeps) - checked that TDCF cavity pole (measured live, shortly after the measurement was taken) matched the MCMC answer - checked that the FIR filter phases were all zero ran a pydarm status and pydarm status --override-mcmc looked to make sure things made sense Commited the report directory to the archive. arx commit 20230504T055052Z Some extra step copying these npz files from the cluster to some place that GDS likes. Ahead of the push, we updated the pydarm_H1.ini file to "close the loop-dee-doops" Took the 20230504T055052Z report values for the MCMC parameters and updated the coupled_cavity_optical_gain = 3.1557e+06 # [ct/m] coupled_cavity_pole_frequency = 4.3046e+02 # [Hz] (Pulled from pydarm export 20230504T055052Z command) # Pulled from report 20230504T055052Z # UIM = 1.6116 ==> 7.5662e-08 (N/ct) # PUM = 3.0669e-02 ==> 6.2819e-10 (N/ct) # TST = 2.5414e-11 ==> 9.6286e-13 (N/ct) uim_NpA = 1.6116 pum_NpA = 3.0669e-02 tst_NpV2 = 2.5414e-11 # Lower than usual because of reduced bias voltage, LHO:67698 Then also went to foton, created a foton export of design string zpk([430.46],[7000],0.9999999999999999,"n") following the instructions in LHO:47948 to create /ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibation/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Measurements/Foton/2023-05-04_H1CALCS_InverseSensingFunction_Foton_O4_NoD2N_tf.txt and committed it that location, the did the final update to the pydarm_H1.ini # Update in coming -- New Cavity pole from report 20230504T055052Z foton_invsensing_tf = Runs/O3/H1/Measurements/Foton/2023-05-04_H1CALCS_InverseSensingFunction_Foton_O4_NoD2N_tf.txt The updated pydarm_H1.ini was then pushed to the ifo git repo, Recreated the report *without* redoing the MCMC, pydarm report --force --generate-fir-filters --skip-mcmc did a quick re-review of the output via pydarm status and a sanity check on the .pdfs then rearchived the report Jamie let us know that arx commit 20230504T055052Z doesn't work (i.e. it doesn't over write what's there). Instead Louis had to log into and rm- rf the archive from its copy of the archive then redo from the local machine, arx commit 20230504T055052Z Now going to /ligo/groups/cal/H1/ifo/pydarm_cmd_H1.yaml and updating the filter install locations and names, and adding the CFTD path calcs_filters: # index starts at 1, same as medm module numbers Hc: - bank_name: CS_DARM_ERR mod_name: O4_Gain mod_slot: 10 - bank_name: CS_DARM_CFTD_ERR mod_name: O4_Gain mod_slot: 10 Fcc: - bank_name: CS_DARM_ERR mod_name: O4_NoD2N mod_slot: 9 L1/EX: - bank_name: CS_DARM_ANALOG_ETMX_L1 mod_name: Npct_O4 mod_slot: 4 L2/EX: - bank_name: CS_DARM_ANALOG_ETMX_L2 mod_name: Npct_O4 mod_slot: 4 L3/EX: - bank_name: CS_DARM_ANALOG_ETMX_L3 mod_name: Npct_O4 mod_slot: 4 Two options for dry runs: pydarm status pydarm export Look at the outputs of both of these, and did a quick eyeball at both outputs as a sanity check. It looks pretty good. Pulled up NDScopes of optical gain kappa_C, cavity pole, and kappa_ACT Checked that h1calcs SDFs were clear before pushing anything. pydarm export --push Then went to GDS_TP screen and hit LOAD_COEFFICIENTS 16:43:14 UTC Then switched H1:CAL-CS_DARM_ERR bank over to FM9 and FM10. Then opened up SDF screen and accepted and confirmed changes.