# Set of things to execute in guardian shell to prep for ETMY # Just in case, make sure the FF is off. ezca['LSC-MICHFF_GAIN'] = 0 ezca['LSC-SRCLFF1_GAIN'] = 0 ezca['LSC-ARM_OUTPUT_MTRX_2_1'] = 0 # Turn off DARM->EY ezca['LSC-OUTPUT_MTRX_1_10'] = 0 # Turn off MICHFF-> EX ezca['LSC-OUTPUT_MTRX_1_11'] = 0 # Turn off SRCL1FF-> EX ezca['SUS-ETMY_L3_LOCK_L_GAIN'] = 1 # ezca['SUS-ETMY_L2_LOCK_L_GAIN'] = 15 # Actually, let this stay at 15, so it's one fewer thing to be changing. ezca['SUS-ETMY_L1_LOCK_L_GAIN'] = 0