Reports until 14:49, Wednesday 11 August 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:49, Wednesday 11 August 2010 (127)
Calibrated GS13 Spectra from Unit#2
Here is the calibrated GS13 Spectra from Unit #2 (note:  These are the "reused" GS13's---they'll be reused from Unit to Unit until we start receiving GS13's which we can keep with a unit.  So these same GS13's were used in Unit#1).  With Jeff Kissel's help, I calibrated the data via DTT.  Here is the DTT Calibration info for the GS13's and the GS13 Interface Board:  

(this is all for the frequencies we look at ~100Hz)

Units:  m/s
Gain:  3.5e-9
Poles:  0,0,50
Zeros:  0.1 1, 10

The plots are for when the Table is locked & unlocked.

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