Reports until 16:28, Thursday 25 August 2011
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Thursday 25 August 2011 (1300)
We finished inspection and second vacuum yesterday. Jodi did a slight incursion down the manifold to check on fibers and other detritus (See pix below). The bulk of post-work FTIRs were taken then as well.

Today was spent completing the few remaining items on the checklist. We moved the dome back to the top of the chamber and snugged the bolts. The last two post-work FTIRs were taken and the paperwork completed. Samples will be sent off tomorrow. A second fit check of TCS hardware was done. Before leaving the chamber, Mark L. noted a few white specks on the chamber floor. They appeared to be similar to the specks we find when we shake-test C-3. Michael L. asked us to clean them up if possible so Mark wiped up (isopropanol-soaked ConTec)those specks he could find. The door was inspected, wiped down in a couple of spots, and replaced on the chamber. (BTW, it is a very good looking door interior.)The bolts were snugged.

Work permits were taken out for staging and ICC at BSC-6. Some items were transported to Y-end.
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