Reports until 17:12, Thursday 08 September 2011
christopher.guido@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Thursday 08 September 2011 (1368)
Changes to S1103182 and calibrations on MEDM screen
Steve O'Conner, Aidan Brooks, Christopher Guido

Yesterday evening, we made a series of resistor changes to the S1103182 chassis(on both boards S1103183 and S1103184)as follows

R44 = 49.9 k-ohm
R63 = 69.8 k-ohm
R74 = 69.8 k-ohm
R8  = 30.1 k-ohm
R31 = 30.1 k-ohm
R43 = 2.05 k-ohm

Today, we tested the board (results attached as excel spreadsheet) and used the results to calibrate the H2TCS-ITMY_RING_HEATER screen. The changes to the gain and offset(in the filters) are listed below

Offset = 16.48 counts
Gain   = -0.0498 mA/count

Offset = -8.827 counts
Gain   = -0.0492 mA/count 

Offset = -82.2 counts
Gain   = 2.582e-3 mA/count

Offset = -74.2 counts
Gain   = 2.564e-3 mA/count
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