Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 14:50, Friday 20 August 2010
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:50, Friday 20 August 2010 (148)
LHO unit_2 Local to Local Transfer Function measurement
Last night I ran a Local to Local actuator-to-gs13 response transfer function measurement.  Plots are attached from last night along with unit_1's measurement from July.  A text file of the parameters used in July and last night is posted as well.

Scripts to Collect data located in:
  with titles: 

Data file location:

Data file titles:

Scripts to Plot data located in:

Plots located in:

It looks like our resolution isn't as good as we'd like in the lower frequency band.  The same features at lower frequencies are not present in this measurement as compared to unit_1. The gs-13 phase is also 180degrees from unit_1. I will set up a new measurement over the weekend with more repetitions and higher resolution.  

As for now, our damping filters have been implemented and have been running stably.

Non-image files attached to this report
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.