Reports until 17:05, Friday 27 March 2015
H1 SUS (DetChar, ISC)
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Friday 27 March 2015 (17529)
ITMs, ETMs Violin mode frequencies pair up

Because of Dan's effort in damping the violin modes (alog17502 and alog17365) I was able to come up with a modes pair-up scenario. A total of 33 lines were found but not all of them are identified (we don't know which test mass some of them belong to) so I had to make a decision and cast one of the unidentified lines aside (501.486) as it may not have come from the violin modes and not seen in the most recent lock stretch. According to Agnus the line saperations anywhere from 0 to 0.15 is reasonable. The tables below contains the frequencies of the lines we found, the averages of the pairs, the width of saperations, and the test masses they belong to. Dan was able to identify most lines unless note otherwise (as "unidentified"). The original Excel file also attached. The next step would be identifying which fibers these lines belong to!


ITM pair Average |width| test mass
500.0535 500.13275 0.08 ITMX
500.212     ITMX
501.092 501.15 0.06 ITMX
501.208     unidentified
501.254 501.352 0.1 ITMX
501.45     ITMX
502.621 502.6825 0.06 ITMX
502.744     ITMX
503.007 503.063 0.06 ITMY
503.119     ITMY
504.803 504.83725 0.03 unidentified
504.8715     ITMY
501.606 501.6775 0.07 unidentified
501.749     ITMY
501.682 501.7465 0.06 ITMY
501.811     unidentified


ETM pair Average |width| test mass
507.992 508.069 0.08 unidentified
508.146     ETMY
508.0095 508.10775 0.1 ETMY
508.206     ETMY
508.22 508.25425 0.03 ETMY
508.2885     ETMY
508.585 508.623 0.04 ETMY
508.661     unidentified
505.587 505.647 0.06 ETMX
505.707     ETMX
505.71 505.7575 0.05 unidentified, sometimes distinguishable from 505.707
505.805     ETMX
506.922 507.0405 0.12 ETMX
507.159     ETMX
507.194 507.2925 0.1 unidentified
507.391     ETMX
Non-image files attached to this report