Reports until 21:26, Sunday 27 November 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:26, Sunday 27 November 2011 (1791)
X1 SUS QUAD 04 BLD 03 transfer functions after cabling adjustments
Brett S., Jeff B., Andres R., Jeff G. 

Cabling adjustments were made on the QUAD 04 BUILD 03 to reduce the effect of the cable routing on the Pitch DoF for the R0 chain. Evidence of cabling affecting Pitch on R0 is detailed in an earlier post.  DTT whitenoise transfer function measurements were taken between adjustments to cable arrangements to assess the cabling effect on Pitch.

The attached pdf is of the M0 and R0 top mass transfer functions taken via Matlab for the six Euler-basis DoFs.

The previous measurements on the attached plots are the same as in the previous post:
ORANGE - H2SUSITMY, "Before Lacing"
BLACK - H2SUSITMY, "After Lacing 1"
MAGENTA - H2SUSITMY, "After Lacing 2"
CYAN - X1SUSQUAD04, "Before Lacing"
GREEN - X1SUSQUAD04, "After Lacing 1"
RED - X1SUSQUAD04, "After Lacing 2" - (Latest Measurement)
For the M0 chain, the latest measurement is identical.  This is to be expected since M0's cabling was not changed.

For the R0 chain, the L, T, V, R, and Y DoFs are identical between the latest X1 QUAD 04 measurements on 11/19/2011 and 11/22/2011.  The concern was that the cabling stiffened the Pitch DoF such that the lowest resonant modes shifted to higher frequencies after cabling (see page 11 - CYAN vs. GREEN).  However, it is evident the latest cabling adjustments helped reduce QUAD 04 R0 Pitch's stiffness such that it's lowest resonant modes closely match the H2 ITMY Pitch DoF after it's lacing was completed (page 11).

Parameters for the 11/19/2011 and 11/22/2011 measurements were identical drive and response.

Non-image files attached to this report