J. Kissel
The last few measurements of the DARM open loop gain transfer function have revealed that the DARM coupled cavity pole has gone back down to 270 [Hz] and 260 [Hz] (not posted yet), from where it was at the mini-run at a consistent 355 [Hz]. We're at the beginning stages of tracking this change in frequency dependence "online" by comparing high and low frequency PCAL and DARM calibration lines (and considering adding a few more to increase the precision of the analysis), but until that analysis gets into full swing, I'm taking every chance I can get to measure the DARM OLG TF.
Here's another data point. We're in the "LSC_FF" IFO state, with the request input power at 10.7 [W], MICH subtraction ("FF") was ON, but the SRCL FF has a gain of zero (!! -- forgive the file names "FFon," I hadn't actually checked until writing this log).
I'll have some more complete analysis (and an answer of what today's DARM coupled cavity pole frequency is) shortly.