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Reports until 11:42, Tuesday 10 January 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (1998)
X1 SUS QUAD 03 -- looks good thus far!
J^3 (Bartlett, Garcia, Kissel), A. Ramirez

Jeff and I grabbed the first set of transfer functions from X1 SUS QUAD03 after Jeff and Andres have brought it up-to-date with retrofits.  Note, that this is the "first brush" suite -- These are taken before reaction chain cables are installed, to ensure the dynamics are expected.

The results are attached. I've compared these measurements against the three other ETM-flavor QUADs we've build across the project,
X1SUSQUAD04 @ LHO (soon to be H2SUSETMY) 
Not that in this latest round of measurements, the OSEM Open Light Current has not been normalized, so the ~25% discrepancy in overall DC amplitude of the transfer functions (for example R0 V and R) should be attributed mostly to uncompensated variation in sensitivity of the OSEM sensors.

The results look great; I approve the suspension to go onto installing reaction chain cables. I've left the suspension with damping loops on and running. 

If I were to be picky, the only thing that I've found that raises a yellow flag, which we should keep an eye on in future measurements: Reaction Chain Lowest Pitch mode is high, but no other pitch dynamics appear to be effected.

As a side note, now that we've got more statistics on ETM-style QUADs -- it looks like there's a good deal of excess cross-coupling in the measurements of X1SUSQUAD13, and the other SUS's show that we can build these with much less. We should keep an eye on this when we move to retro-fit/upgrade/add cables.

Data Taken from DTT files here:
and exported to .txt in F1F2F3LFRTSD LTVRPY order to .txt files of similar name as above (with "_tf" tag).

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