Reports until 02:40, Wednesday 19 August 2015
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:40, Wednesday 19 August 2015 - last comment - 16:01, Wednesday 19 August 2015(20672)
Satellite Box Transfer Functions = Flat
I have taken the transfer function of the coil A, B, C, and D inputs to outputs on the Satellite Box (D0901284).
The measurement was taken with an SR785 sourcing the input through a Coil Driver Chassis to turn the input into a differential, and then fed through the Satellite Box.
We expected the Satellite Box to be have flat phase response and gain.  We have confirmed that to a tenth of a percent. (0.1%)
The Reference TF was taken of the Coil Driver Chassis by itself, and the residual calculation took our response from the Satellite Box Coil A over Reference TF.
The following was calculated using Satellite_Box_TF_Plotter.m located in /ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/PreER8/H1/Measurements/Satellite_Box/2015-08-17/.

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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 16:01, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20694)
I remade the plots above since they didn't show up nicely.
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