Reports until 20:45, Monday 31 August 2015
H1 ISC (DetChar)
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:45, Monday 31 August 2015 (21070)
Pringled actuator noise in meters

The "noisemon pringle" actuator noise measurement from LLO alog 19853 has been calibrated to meters, and extended to the L1 and L2 stages of all test masses.

Total noise from these stages is estimated to be ~1e-20 m/rtHz around 30 Hz.  This includes driver noise, DAC noise, and glitches (to the extent they were present during the measurement).

A hierarchical noise budget PDF is attached. Here's how things look for ITMX L2:

From this plot you can see the following:

The calibration of these signals is approximate, based on the coil driver and suspension models -- not the precise measurements people have been taking during the past week. There may be some discrepancies especially in the L1 (UIM) stage.  The ETMY L1 plot definitely shouldn't be trusted, because its noisemons appear to be broken (see attached plot).

Scripts have been checked in to the NoiseBudget SVN.

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