Reports until 15:18, Thursday 02 February 2012
X1 SEI - posted 15:18, Thursday 02 February 2012 (2138)
HAM-ISI Unit #1, investigating unexpected resonances observed above 100Hz
Corey, Greg, Jim, Mitch, Vincent, Hugo

Transfer functions were taken on HAM-ISI Unit #1 with its top mass sitting on a kinematic mounting. The unusual high Q resonances observed above 100Hz are also gone under this configuration. This result tend to confirm that the resonances observed came from the contact between the top mass and the optical table, and not from the ISI itself.

Resonances appeared between 170 and 260Hz when switching to kinematic mounting. They are mostly visible on vertical measurements. These resonances were not here initially, when the top mass was directly sitting on the optical table. They are caused by the changes applied on the boundary conditions of the Top Mass and shall not be associated with the ISI’s mechanical response.

TF comparative plots are attached.
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