Reports until 21:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21598)
Strain Uncertainty Update - Sensing Uncertainty Analyzed
C. Cahillane

The five sensing function measurements and associated uncertainties at LHO have been analysed.  
Plot 1 shows the five measurements and models plotted together, alongside the residuals.  The measurements are from August 26, 28, 29, and September 8 and 10.
Plot 2 shows the weighted mean of the five measurement residuals in black, a naive systematic fit in red, and the weighted mean / systematic fit in blue.

To be consistent with what I've done for actuation, right now I'm going to quadratically sum the systematic and statistical uncertainty, and zeroth order extrapolate it.  For the sensing function though this is very clearly the incorrect approach, since the systematics on low freq sensing mag or high freq sensing phase are not simply going to stop blowing up at the end of the measurement.  I will certainly have to go back and fix this.
Also, since the systematics are so large here, I am thinking about applying my own "correction" to the sensing function the model gives me and then plotting only statistical uncertainty.  I think this plot will display the directionality of our error alongside the statistical uncertainty.

Things to do:
1) Calculate weighted mean of actuation residuals for each measurement time for Sudarshan
2) Zeroth Order -> First Order Extrapolation
3) Find systematics of actuation stages
4) Apply correct A_pu uncertainty calculations.
5) Apply systematics "corrections" to my uncertainty models to get directionality of error combined with statistical uncertainty
6) Go to LLO and do it all again!
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