Reports until 11:26, Friday 02 March 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:26, Friday 02 March 2012 (2338)
Betsy B., Jeff G.

The UIM (L1) LL OSEM flag was suspected of rubbing, so Betsy and I set out to make real-time adjustments/measurements.  The first attachment is the final measurement after about 4 or 5 individual measurements taken between OSEM flag adjustments.  The UIM LL OSEM flag was taken out completely from the LED beam path, remeasured, then re-seated in the beam path.  
 The extra resonances between 1-3Hz in the L to L TF (red trace) have been mostly remedied, although there is still notable Long. to Pitch coupling.  The second attachment is a tuned matlab TF measurement of the Long. to Long. taken a day earlier with added resonances between 1-3Hz on the M0 mass, which was the motivation behind yesterday's investigations. The Long. to Long. measurements are much better after re-seating the flag.  More thorough matlab measurements will be run this afternoon to diagnose the remaining DoFs.

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