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Reports until 17:34, Thursday 15 March 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Thursday 15 March 2012 - last comment - 11:18, Thursday 22 March 2012(2449)
GS13 Huddle Test after reception from LLO (Shipment Load #3417) - Horizontal GS13 Malfunctioning

Jim, Eric, Corey, Hugo

We recently received 5 production-GS13s from LLO: 3 verticals (Pods #: 30, 14, 88) and 2 Horizontals (Pods #: 93, 24). They are intended for HAM-ISI Unit #4.

We huddl-tested them before installation. One of them (Horizontal, pod #24) features the behaviour we have observed on GS13s with whether a broken flexure or a stuck mass. We tried tilting the instrument back and forth to unlock the mass. We could feel the mass moving. The ASD measured after tilting the instrument is the same as before.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 11:18, Thursday 22 March 2012 (2471)

Greg, Hugo,

Pod #24 was opened. The flexures were checked. Nothing abnormal was noticed. The instrument's leveling was quickly perfected and the pod was closed. 

Attached power spectra shows that the instrument is still not working. It also shows that the rough leveling of the test bench is not the cause of this malfuctionning.

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