Reports until 20:36, Friday 13 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:36, Friday 13 April 2012 (2616)
H2SUSETMY First Unlocked Cartridge TFs
On Wednesday we unlocked H2 SUS ETMY for the first time after cartridge install, and last night we took a set of transfer functions to diagnose its health. Attached are the results; they look excellent! 

Among the other usual attachments,
2012-04-12_H2SUSETMY_M0_ALL_TFs.pdf -- Main Chain, individual comparison with Model, shows cross-coupling and OSEM basis response
2012-04-13_H2SUSETMY_R0_ALL_TFs.pdf -- Reaction Chain, individual comparison with Model, shows cross-coupling and OSEM basis response
allquads_120413_H2SUSETMY_ALLM0_TFs.pdf -- Main chain, zoomed out version of the below described plots
allquads_120413_H2SUSETMY_ALLR0_TFs.pdf -- Reaction chain, zoomed out version of the below described plots

In the main chain (M0) chain's allquads_120413_ALLM0_*.pdf, I compare 4 measurements, all monolithic lower halves,
2012-01-10 H2 SUS ITMY, Phase 2b approved measurement (On test stand, mounted to BSC8-ISI, Chamber-side Test in LVEA)
2012-02-16 H2 SUS ITMY, Phase 3a approved measurement (In-chamber, partially at vacuum)
2012-03-14 H2 SUS ETMY, Phase 2b approved measurement (On test stand, mounted to BSC6-ISI, Chamber-side Test at End Station)
2012-04-12 H2 SUS ETMY Current measurement (In-chamber, mounted to BSC6-ISI, glass ERM, vibration absorbers OFF)

and in the reaction (R0) chain's allquads_120413_ALLR0_*.pdf, I compare
2011-11-22 X1 SUS QUAD04 Phase 1b approved measurement (On test stand, mounted to Solid Stack, fully laced, metal dummy mass)
2012-01-24 X1 SUS QUAD03 Phase 1b approved measurement (On test stand, mounted to Solid Stack, fully laced, metal dummy mass)
2012-03-15 H2 SUS ETMY, Phase 2b approved measurement (On test stand, mounted to BSC6-ISI, Chamber-side Test at End Station, glass ERM)
2012-04-13 H2 SUS ETMY Current measurement (In-chamber, mounted to BSC6-ISI, glass ERM, vibration absorbers OFF)

At first glance, the TFs look great. 
- No major rubbing, the dynamics, overall, appear, as-usual, strikingly similar to suspensions of similar type. 
- On the reaction chain, Pitch looks fine, implying the lacing cables haven't moved or at least changed the dynamics for the worse. 
- The main chain looks just down right great and consistent. A couple of the degrees of freedom even cleaned up since Phase 2b (see L, T, and R). Nice!

Upon further inspection, I see a couple of things that raise some yellowy green flags on the reaction chain:
    - The second R0 longitudinal mode @ 0.85 is bifurcated. What you can't see is that the magenta curve (the previous ETMY measurement), is also bifurcated, but the lower frequency of the two split modes is lower in magnitude in the magneta curve, and is therefore hidden behind the cyan. Because this mode is *not* bifurcated in the two metal mass measurements, I'm curious if this is something peculiar (I dare say "wrong"), with ETMY. The problem is that we have statistics of one on a glass ERM. All metal mass measurements don't show this feature. This good very well be just how the plant changes between a metal and glass mass.
    - Similarly with the second R0 transverse mode. Though the metal mass measurements show two modes around that frequency (one much more pronounced than the other) the two measurements of the one glass ERM show that this mode shape has changed toward shall we say "more complicated." Of course, transverse is always a noisy measurement since only the SD OSEM is driving it (as opposed to the other DOFs which have at least 2).

Finally, zooming out and looking at, for example allquads_120413_H2SUSETMY_ALLM0_TFs.pdf, I notice that our favorite, high-frequency "what looks like a giant mechanical zero, but we've proven to be just electronics cross coupling some where in the chain, which we've convinced ourselves was the temporary ribbon cables we use in our mock-feedthroughs" feature is STILL PRESENT after the install into chamber, where we're using nothing but production cables and real-deal feed-throughs. We convinced ourselves with FMY that this was true, but perhaps, we were too hasty with our conclusions. Some nice additional proof will be a comparison between vibration absorbers OFF vs. vibration absorbers ON, which I will get tonight.
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