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Reports until 19:11, Wednesday 02 May 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:11, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2750)
H2 SUS ITMY R0 Trans. DoF Transfer Functions
Travis S., Jeff G.

H2 ITMY R0 transfer function measurements were taken this morning for the Transverse DoF after mechanical adjustments on the R0 top mass. The flag in the R0 "SD" OSEM was observed to be grazing the OSEM housing.  The OSEM housing was re-positioned laterally to center the flag.  After this adjustment,  the attached measurement was taken with a white noise excitation on the R0 Trans. test excitation channel.  The blue trace is the measurement this morning, while the black is a reference trace from Monday.  This DoF appears to be free again with the resonances clearly visible.
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