Reports until 21:52, Tuesday 08 May 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:52, Tuesday 08 May 2012 - last comment - 11:38, Wednesday 09 May 2012(2789)
H2 SUS ITMY -- Latest TFs
B. Bland, J. Kissel

The results from the overnight TFs that Betsy started last night are attached. The lame news: the SUS is not yet ready for chamber close up. However, over the phone, Betsy informs me that more items on/around the suspended elements have changed and some other tweaking occurred today since the measurement and more will change tomorrow. Though this set of TFs is informative academically, we have to wait until we're "done" with mechanical stuff before a "final" close out measurement (which will hopefully show a clean bill of health).

From what we can [remember / piece back together / guess], the state of the chamber is:

- HEPI Floating, but OFF
- BSC-ISI Floating, but OFF
    - Free, OFF
    - One-off, wire loop, prisms, and glass optic main chain; Production ThinCP fully laced
    - EQ stops brought into 0.75 mm gap
    - One set of ECD magnets is removed (Betsy doesn't recall exactly which, but we think lower cluster below M0 F3)

Here's what I see, and what I think is going on:

Main Chain
Although the diagonal TFs (LtoL, TtoT, etc.) look OK, its obvious from the off-diagonal terms that there's a serious amount of cross coupling (see 2012-05-07_H2SUSITMY_M0_ALL_TFs.pdf). My guess is that this is because of the missing weight from the absent ECD magnet cluster. As mentioned in G1100865, pg 4, one of the possible VtoP / PtoV cross coupling mechanism is a static offset in pitch. The fact that PtoP looks "clean" (though a little bit low in overall magnitude), and both VtoV and RtoR show the 2nd pitch mode, my guess is that the missing ECD magnet cluster brought whichever corner of the mass up, creating both a static roll and pitch in the mass, causing the exact cross coupling described in G1100865.

We should get that ECD magnet back on there, do any other final tooling additions and removals, and measure again.

I use the "wire" model for this one-off, wire loop, prisms, and glass optic main chain, and it seems to predict it pretty well. In allquads_120507_H2SUSITMY_ALL_TFs.pdf I compare it against other metal mass wire SUS, and other than the cross-coupling mentioned about, and slightly less magnitude, it matches up pretty well. 

Reaction Chain
Here, the VtoV transfer function shows something new, fun, and bad. Notice there's only two resonances? My gut reaction, is that the lower two modes have shifted up in frequency due to increased stiffness, and the lower two masses are stiffened to the point on moving as one; cabling's the only thing I can think of off-hand. Either that or something's interfering with the lower blades. Remember, the higher frequency the resonance, the more it involves lower stages. Also, because other modes, and other degrees of freedom show little to no reduction in Q, implies that whatever's stiffening up the vertical DOF, likely isn't at the top stage. Looks like the high-frequency Roll / Trans modes have changed shape too, likely due to the same vertical stiffness issues.

I'd check around the blades, and re-assess cabling on this one.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:53, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2797)
Unfortunately, phone conversations are less accurate than aLogs.  In fact, the 4 (of 64 ECD magnets) were removed on the reaction chain, left top face cluster).  They were restored to the suspension this morning.  I re-checked the reaction chain cabling this morning and everything looked to be in order - no grounding to the structure or between the chains as sometimes happens.  We have played with this cabling since the Garcia-Wed 5/2/12 measurements, although we were making the cabling "looser" in the clamps in order to avoid possible TFE flowing-to-shorting later.  I don't know what to do with the cables now to alleviate stiffness because they "feel" like they are already seated with appropriate stiffness.  I also can't quickly compare the Garcia 5/2/12 data to this set because they are plotted so differently and well, I'm on vacation so don't have the time to stare at it for an hour.  I worry that fussing with them more may throw out the alignment of the reaction chain.  We need to get better at checking alignment, running TFs for rubbing checks immediately, repeat alignment, repeat TFs.

Could it be poorly diagonalized BOSEMs?  I don't think we did much to check those this time around, and we have already seen one flag drastically mis-centered in a BOSEM...
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:38, Wednesday 09 May 2012 (2800)
Mark Barton (and Travis Sadecki)

I generated some variations on the production CP model with various components immobilized to see what the two-peak V-V transfer function implied. It turns out that immobilized UIM blades is a good candidate (see attached). Before I was able to tell him this, Travis poked around and found the hard way that indeed the UIM blades weren't free. 
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