Reports until 21:18, Friday 11 November 2016
H1 CAL (CAL, DetChar, ISC, SUS)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:18, Friday 11 November 2016 (31432)
New SUS ETMY Dynamical Model Tags
J. Kissel, K. Izumi

We discovered today (see LHO aLOG 31427) that the previously most recent tag of the H1 SUS ETMY dynamical model,
has a bug ** in which the ~1 Hz dynamics of the suspensions are junk. While exploring, we also found that the L1 SUS ETMY model tagged at the same time, 
did not include UIM-to-PUM wire violin modes. 

As such, I've tagged two new dynamical models, using the current damping settings at BOTH sites for ETMY (*including* optical lever damping at LHO, since we're now using Pitch damping during nominal low noise), and including upper-stage wire violin mode dynamics,

I attach plots of the transfer functions from UIM, PUM, and TST to TST in the longitudinal direction for both interferometers, comparing all ETMY-specific tags in the repo. 


The damping loop settings for both sites were captured at the same time, while both IFOs were in nominal low noise. These filters are captured here:
The wire violin mode frequencies are currently the same for both sites, taken from LHO aLOG 24917. There're not actually the same, but LLO hasn't measured theirs yet, so this'll have to do for now.

- the calibration group has an external SVN link to this directory of model tags here:
so they don't have to download the whole SUS svn just to use these tags. I suggest the ISC group do the same, though I haven't made new tags for any of the other three QUADs in either IFO.
- Models are tagged using the function

** I've traced the bug back to the addition of Sus. Point to TOP Mass violin modes. If you call 
and insist that it includes all of the QUAD's violin modes,
    >> quadModel = generate_QUAD_Model_Production(freq,buildType,svnDir,plotFlag,isDamped,filterFile,useModalDamping,modalDOFs,includeViolinModes,nViolinModes)
    includeViolinModes = true;
    nViolinModes = [25 25 25 25];
then it destroys the low frequency response. But, if you don't include any Sus. Point to TOP Mass violins by setting 
    nViolinModes = [25 25 25 0];
then the low frequency response remains intact. This is likely a problem with the numbering of connections, and the requested transfer functions are no longer picking out the right degree of freedom. I'll have Brett take a look at this. Since the Sus. Point to TOP mass wire frequencies don't get excited when the UIM or lower stages are driven, then there's no urgency to fix the bug.
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