Reports until 14:34, Monday 21 November 2016
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:34, Monday 21 November 2016 - last comment - 23:34, Tuesday 22 November 2016(31696)
Updated EPICS records for DARM time-dependent parameters (param. set for ER10/O2)

Jeff K, Kiwamu I, Darkhan T,


The CAL-CS EPICS records for tracking temporal variations of the DARM parameters have been updated at 2016-11-21 22:03:46 UTC. These values are identical to the ones in LHO alog 31677 from yesterday, i.e. D20161120_H1_CAL_EPICS_VALUES.m and D20161121_H1_CAL_EPICS_VALUES.m are identical.

New values have been accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW.


Following DARM paramemter files were used to calculate these values:

${CalSVN}/Runs/ER10/Common/params/IFOindepParams.conf              r3752
${CalSVN}/Runs/ER10/H1/params/H1params.conf                        r3826
${CalSVN}/Runs/ER10/H1/params/2016-11-12/H1params_2016-11-12.conf  r3786

And the DARM model scripts from

${CalSVN}/Runs/O2/DARMmodel/*  r3814

The *.m file with EP1-9 values and the verbose output are attached to this report. All of the files have been committed to CalSVN at



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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 17:09, Tuesday 22 November 2016 (31736)CAL

Shivaraj K, Jeffrey K, Aaron V, Darkhan T,

Updated DARM time-dependence EPICS

We have updated the EPICS values used for DARM time-dependent parameter calculations (DCC T1500377). We added a previously (Nov 21) missing delay in the DARM_ERR signal due to one computational cycle delay, comes from the fact that the signal is transferred from the OMC front-end model to CAL-CS. The *.m file with EP1-9 values and the verbose log are attached to this alog.

The new values were updated in the front-end and were accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW.

Location in the SVN:



Corrections to be applied to the channels in GDS and SLM (CalMon) when calculating "kappas"

All of the necessary corrections, except for Pcal RX PD channel corrections have been incorporated in the EPICS values, i.e. when calculating kappas with the method from T1500377, except for the Pcal Rx PD the rest of the channels must be used without applying any additional corrections. The Pcal RX PD channels from the frames must be corrected for the freq. dep. part of the free mass response (two poles at 1 Hz), analog AI, digital AI (IOP) and the time delay of the CAL-EY channels w.r.t. [V] from the PD (this piece was measured to be zero). One of the ways to get the correction TF is to extract it from the Matlab DARM model, an example of extracing this correction TF for Hanford can be found at (the resulting TF is attached):


LLO analog AA/AI models have been updated for ER10/O2, while at LHO they did not change since the O1 run. So it is important to calculate the site-specific Pcal corrections using the most up-to-date DARM reference-time parameters.

Corrections to be applied to the CAL-CS demodulators

Since "kappa" calculations in CAL-CS are not done using the Pcal Rx PD channels written into frames, but rather with the PCALY_RX_PD signal that gets transmitted from the CALEY model to CAL-CS, the Pcal Rx PD data seen by CAL-CS has an additional one computational cycle delay. This means that the phases and amplitudes in the front-end demodulators must be adjusted with PcallCorr * (one_cycle_advance_phase).

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 18:35, Tuesday 22 November 2016 (31748)CAL

Pcal calibration line demodulator phases have been adjusted in the CAL-CS front-end model.

PCAL_LINE1 (36.7 Hz line) demodulator phase was set to -1.87 deg (old value was -2.40 deg)

PCAL_LINE2 (331.9 Hz line) demodulator phase was set to -16.95 deg (old value was -19.9 deg)

The phases were calculated according to the instructions given above and taking into account that two poles at 1 Hz (free-mass response) are applied separately in a Foton filter.

The script for calculating the phases was committed to


The new values have been accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW.

After updating the phases we have got about 25 minutes of data before we lost the lock. κPU, κT, κC, in this interval were within 1% of their reference-time values (1.0) and fC was within 3% of its reference-time value (346.7 Hz).

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aaron.viets@LIGO.ORG - 19:16, Tuesday 22 November 2016 (31751)
I compared both of Pcal correction factors for LHO used by the GDS pipeline to the transfer function produced by the example script. These are computed at two line frequencies: 36.7 Hz and 331.9 Hz. As seen in the plot, they agree quite precisely. I also checked that the numerical values produced by this script at the line frequencies were identical to those used in the GDS pipeline.
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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 23:34, Tuesday 22 November 2016 (31763)

The pcalcorrection factor used for SLM Tool and computed by the exapmple script are in good agreement as well.

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