Reports until 13:10, Monday 09 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Monday 09 July 2012 (3369)
QUAD Test Mass Pitch Motion Estimate
J. Kissel, P. Fritschel

After all the investigations into the SUS loop performance to find the source of the excess motion Pitch and Longitudinal motion at 0.43 (, 0.56, and 1.0) [Hz], Peter suggested perhaps it's merely the expected coupling between L and P, with the large not-yet-awesome input motion from the BSC-ISIs. So, following the same prescription used to generate the curves in G1200712, I produced the predicted QUAD test mass motion due to the measured (BSC8-ISI, ITMY) motion on June 26th, i.e. E1200668, in both L and P.

Attached are the results.

We see that indeed, given the (BSC8-ISI, ITMY) input motion, the predicted motion is on the order of 2.4e-6 [m RMS] and 5e-6 [rad RMS], with the expected first L and P modes at 0.43 Hz and 0.56 Hz, which have (modeled) damped amplitudes of 1e-5 [m/rtHz] and 2e-5 [rad/rtHz], reasonably consistent with results reported in LHO aLOG 3363, LHO aLOG 3302, and LHO aLOG.

There are several ways in which this model isn't perfect:
- The input motion is representative of BSC8-ISI (ITMY), which has been commissioned further than BSC6-ISI (ETMY), so one might expect the input motion to ETMY to be somewhat worse (It only has damping, No HEPI, No Level 0 Isolation Loops). Fabrice is working on getting me BSC6 data.
- I took the input motions in X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ -- which are defined about the center (in X and Y) of the ISI, and at the lower-zero-moment-actuation-plane of ST2 of the ISI -- as direct inputs to the suspension point of the QUAD: (Y->) L, (X->) T, (Z->) V, (RY->) R, (RX->) P, (RZ->) Y, which means that the estimate for P does not account for the ~0.5 [m] lever arm between the ISI ST2 origin and the SUS point origin. See T1100617 for details (B. Lantz, C. Kucharcyzk, and I are working on getting the correct transform.)

The bonus attachments, relevant to the discussion, are as follows
- [2012-07-09_testmassmotion_bscinput.pdf] A plot of the motion used as input (identical to what is shown in E1200668)
- [2012-07-09_modeltf_*toP.pdf] The rarely-looked-at transfer functions between all degrees of freedom input to pitch in [rad/m] or [rad/rad].
- [2012-07-09_testmassmotion_P_resgndbudget.pdf] A break down of the predicted residual P motion from all degrees of freedom.

One VERY interesting revelation from these bonus plots: 
- T @SUS point transmission to P @ test mass becomes comparable to L to P in [rad/m] above ~1 Hz
- R @SUS point transmission to P @ test mass becomes roughly a factor of 10 greater to P to P in [rad/rad] above ~0.5 Hz
These mean we'll have to focus on reducing the T and R motion *just as much* as reducing the L and P motion.
Non-image files attached to this report