Reports until 19:01, Wednesday 25 July 2012
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:01, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3596)
ITMY Longitudinal Isolation
Blend Filters were refined on ITMY. The current state is:

750 mHz in Stage 1 RX and RY
250 mHz in Stage 2 All dofs, and Stage 1 X, Z, RZ
100 mHz on Stage 1 Y

The plot attached shows the latest isolation results (Red is Damped, Blue is Isolated).

We are converging toward a configuration that we should be able to copy/paste on other units.

Otherwise, I was having to turn the loops in the low blend configuration. The "boost" filters were making glitches in the actuators output, tripping the watch dogs. I modified the output compensation filters to filter out the glitches. The turn on/off process is now smooth and do not trip the watchdogs anymore.

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