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Reports until 17:50, Thursday 26 July 2012
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3615)
ETMY ISolation, Comparison with ITMY
The work done on ITMY in the last few days has been duplicated to ETMY. It was very straight forward. The exact same blend filters are being used on both units and provide similar isolation. See attached plot where:

- Red curve is ITMY, BSC-ISI control off  
- Blue curve is ETMY, BSC-ISI control off
- Green curve is ITMY, BSC-ISI control on
- Brown curve is ETMY, BSC-ISI control on   

The data can be found in the DTT file seismic/BSC-ISI/H2/ETMY/Data/Spectra/Isolated/ETMY

Contol off: UTC time 23:52:36, 15 averages, df=50mHz
Contol on:  UTC time 23:45:51, 15 averages, df=50mHz


For our records, I am posting the details of what was done to implement this on ETMY:

1) Damping Loops

Our Damping loops were DC coupled. A DC offset was visible when turning the loops on. I added:
- two zeros at DC
- two poles at 25 mhZ: pair(0.025,65)

To do that:
- I modified the cutoff filters in Step_5_Damping_Loops_ST2_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Run Step_6_Damping_Loops_ST1_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Run Step_7_C2D_Damping_Filters_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Updated the foton file

2) Output Filters

Installed the new output filters, which includes the low pass at high frequency to limit the "glitches" when the control is turned ON.

For that:
- Run aLIGO_BSC_ISI_Output_Filters.m
- Run aLIGO_BSC_ISI_Filters_Digitalization.m
- Updated the foton file

3) Blend Filters

- Created the following folders:

- In Complementary_Filters, copied the ITMY complementary filters file:


Run these three files that create the complementary filters, store them in .mat files saved in Filters/complementary.

4) Control_Scripts

- Modified Step_8 to load the good complementary filters
- line 41 and 42 modified the blend_frequency value and index (commented the changes in the m file)

- added teh continuous/digital filters comparison
- modified it to generate the filters necessary to make the blend switching work (T240 and NXT)

Run Step 8 and Step 9 for each of the three blend filters
Updated the foton file

Committed the changes to the svn

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