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Reports until 15:15, Friday 03 August 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:15, Friday 03 August 2012 (3714)
H1-MC3 Phase 1b Testing
[Jeff Bartlett and Andres Ramirez]

After replacing a broken magnet on the H1-MC3 intermediate mass, we ran Phase 1b transfer function. The results showed a rubbing issue at the side and left BOSEMs on the M1 Level, (2012-07-30_2100_X1SUSMC3_M1_ALL_TFs). While looking for something rubbing on the upper mass (which we did not find), discovered the T3 BOSEM showed no voltage, which was traced back to a loose connection at the D25 end of the cable. After reseating the cable, the SpeedDials values still did not look right. We reran the Open Light script for T3. The Open Light voltages were OK; the Offset and Gain values in MEDM were not correct. We reran the Open Light script for all the BOSEMs and adjusted the MEDM offsets and gains as necessary. 

We reran the transfer functions this morning (2012-08-03_0730_X1SUSMC3_M1_ALL_TFs), the results look much better. Requesting final approval for metal build of H1-MC3.    
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