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Reports until 09:27, Monday 20 August 2012
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Monday 20 August 2012 (3896)
Heated cavity scan non-result

We ran a test on Friday to do scans measuring the cavity response to injected sidebands. These were run with the cavity cold and also with it heated. Unfortunately, the reference cavity lost lock before we turned on the ring heater. We locked up all the reference and arm cavity again after 2.5 hours of applied ring heater power. The cavity scan looked extremely noisy at this point - I think this indicated a noisy lock, rather than a severe mode-matching error. We lost lock on the reference cavity after 20 minutes or so and decided to call it a night.

The cold and hot cavity scans are attached below.

Details of the cavity scan measurement will be posted in another entry.

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