Reports until 10:28, Thursday 30 August 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:28, Thursday 30 August 2012 (4037)
H1-PRM First TFs
Andres and I ran the first set of transfer functions on H1-PRM yesterday. The results are posted in the attached files. There is a problem with P, R, and V. We are checking the suspension for EQ stops rubbing, OSEM alignment, and Flag positioning and will rerun the transfer functions after taking corrective action. 

The first set of transfer functions were taken in the afternoon with no one in the Triples Lab (where the suspension is located) and only light assembly work (no forklifts, moving BSC plates, etc) underway on the ground floor.  As a test, I repeated taking the transfer functions last night after everyone had left the staging building for the night. There was no difference between the TFs taken during the day and at night. Conclusion: As long as the Triples Lab is empty and there is limited activity in the rest of the staging building, we should be able to test suspensions during normal working hours.      
Non-image files attached to this report