Reports until 16:40, Thursday 20 September 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Thursday 20 September 2012 (4258)
PRM (HSTS) M1-M1 Un-Damped Transfer Functions for Completion of Phase 1b Testing
[Stuart A, Jeff B]

Following previous M1-M1 TF measurements taken for PRM (HSTS) which exhibited signs of environmental noise coupling into the Role and Pitch DOFs (see LHO aLOG entry 4232), TFs have now been re-taken during a quieter period. 

The first plot (2012-09-20_1215_X1SUSPRM_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf) shows a comparison between PRM and the HSTS model.

The second plot (allhstss_2012-09-20_1445_All_Phase1b_HSTSs_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf) shows a comparison between PRM and every other HSTS suspension that has completed Phase 1b testing for both sites.  

The TFs obtained for PRM are in good agreement with the model, and fall within the scatter of modal peaks observed for other suspensions. Therefore, this should now finally complete Phase 1b testing of this suspension. 

All data, plots, results and scripts have been committed to the SusSVN as of this entry.    
Non-image files attached to this report