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Reports until 15:52, Tuesday 27 November 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Tuesday 27 November 2012 - last comment - 16:45, Wednesday 28 November 2012(4775)
H1 SUS ITMY Infrastructure Filled In
At the request of Dave and Besty, I've used Joe and Adam's Instructions to building SUS infrastructure from scratch (supplemented by more stuff by me) to fill in everything* needed for H1 SUS ITMY, including all filters and EPICs values, using H1 SUS ETMY as my starter QUAD. Note that I've changed EPICs values that are not common to each QUAD, namely:
- Zeroed out alignment offsets
- Installed correct ISI<->SUS projection matrices for H1 SUS ITMY
- Zeroed out non-diagonal DRIVEALIGN matrix elements.
After which I've saved a safe.snap, which lives here:

Attached is a detailed log of my actions, such that they might be turned into a script one day, if not at least used to fill out the wiki instructions...

* "Everything" excludes correct optical lever calibration gains, and OSEMINF open light offsets and gains, which need to be measured and installed when possible.

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Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4790)
Mark B.

Because the offsets and gains in Jeff's safe.snap were from ETMy, I copied over the values from QUADTST (which in turn were from H2:ITMy and thus were based on the same OSEMs, if not the same electronics) and redid the BURT backup. The old one is archived as h1susitmy_safe20121127.snap, and the new is both h1susitmy_safe20121128.snap and h1susitmy_safe.snap. All files were added and committed.
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