Reports until 10:22, Friday 07 December 2012
H1 SEI - posted 10:22, Friday 07 December 2012 (4860)
HAM3-ISI - Commissioning Work

Transfer functions and a linearity tests were measured on HAM3-ISI earlier this week.

The linearity tests looks good. Variations in slope are within requirements.

Transfer functions look good too. Concordance with LLO HAM3-ISI are satisfying. Some noise can be seen in high frequencies on the TFs measured with the vertical GS13s. These sensors saturated a bit during the measurement. 

HAM3-ISI has been re-locked, and worked on, since. It is currently locked. We are planning on running a new set of transfer functions, with a slightly lower gain in high frequencies, when HAM3-ISI can be unlocked.

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