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Reports until 10:57, Tuesday 12 February 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Tuesday 12 February 2013 - last comment - 16:45, Friday 18 October 2013(5468)
B&K Hammer Measurement
Arnaud P. Betsy W. 

Did B&K hammer measurements on Friday feb 8th on the BeamSplitter that will be installed in BSC2. 
Config: BSC-ISI Unlocked, QUAD Unlocked, Baffles ON, Vibration Absorbers ON, Damping ON.

Attached, pictures describing the position of hammer impacts, and accelerometer + corresponding pulse files.

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Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:26, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5551)
Raw data has been exported from the B&K Pulse files, in accordance with the procedure outlined in the SUS Operations Manual (see How to do B&K Hammer Testing).

Exported ASCII data files have been committed to the SUS svn at the following location, ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/H1/BS/BandK$, these files include the following (n.b. files have been renamed to comply with convention detailed in the Op's Manual) :-


The above B&K data has been processed using v12 of the "BandK_plot.m" Matlab script, available in the /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools$ directory.

The merged plot attached below shows:-
pg1 - Y response of the structure to Y hammer impact excitations at various locations, from 1Hz to 400Hz.
pg2 - X response of the structure to X hammer impact excitations at various locations, from 1Hz to 400Hz.
pg3 - X response of the structure to X hammer impact excitations at various locations, ZOOMED IN from 50Hz to 400Hz.

n.b. hammer impact locations are viewable in the attachment to the original aLOG entry above see "Hammer_Impacts.pdf".   
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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 18:27, Wednesday 25 September 2013 (7873)

For acceptance review, I reprocessed the data for the beamsplitter, after seeing a legend mismatch between the plotted results and the raw data from PULSE software.
Therefore the attached results below are the ones to look at, and are following the accelerometer axis convention represented on the last attachement

(1) BandK_results_X_Exc.pdf

(2) BandK_results_Y_Exc.pdf

(3) Picture of BS with axis convention and hammer impact location

The X and Y hits have been chosen to correspond to the "Top Middle" hits on the picture

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arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Friday 18 October 2013 (8173)

Those results in X to X (blue of 1st pdf) and Y to Y (green of 2nd pdf) are not showing any high Q resonnances below 150Hz, meaning the vibration absorbers are working as expected, and the test passed succesfully.

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