Reports until 11:44, Wednesday 27 February 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:44, Wednesday 27 February 2013 (5595)
PR3 phase 3a power spectra

Set of spectra have been taken after the installation and the cabling of PR3 in HAM2 chamber.

Plots show that all osems have been plugged and are working correctly.

The allhltss*** plots show a comparison between LLO phase 3b (Sept 2012) LHO phase 2b (Feb 2013) and LHO Phase 3a (Feb 2013) power spectra
The 2013-02-26*** plots show a comparison between damping on and off for M1 M2 and M3 masses.

Looking at allhltss_2013-02-26_Phase3a_PR3_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf a 2.7Hz resonnance -corresponding to one of the main resonnances of M1 Yaw- shows up for M1 L/T/V/R/P (respectively pages 7/8/9/10/11). Probably, one of the earthquake stops is touching or rubbing.



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