Reports until 23:55, Thursday 01 July 2010
H2 General
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:55, Thursday 01 July 2010 (57)
HAM-ISI transfer functions
- awgstream issues have been solved by the installation of the new version of awgtpman.

- about the get_data issue, Dave has created some spare space and installed the wiper script to prevent the disk from being full again.

- we run transfer functions this afternoon, everything went well. We have got a first complete set of transfer functions in the local basis. It is attached.

Few comments about these transfer functions:

- Low frequency data is noisy. We will increase the number of averages
- Transfer functions are going to be compared with HAM 6 measurements
- There is and undesired resonance at 24Hz

We are preparing a set of measurements in the general coordinate basis for tonight.

Non-image files attached to this report