Yesterday morning I went into HAM7 to re-adjust (for the 2nd time) the cable for ZM4 which was causing cross coupling issue - see alog 60370 (especially this plot for reference which compares bad to getting better).
The latest results are attached below (ZM4 L_Dof, P_Dof, Y_doF) and after a few iterations (of adjusting the cable) I was able to suppress the cross coupling (in some case by keeping the damping ON while taking TF). However, if you look closely at L_Dof the coherence at low frequency looks bad (from how it was last week, see here, page 1). Jeff Kissel, showed me that it could be due to the filter file (in dtt), which might need some low frequency gain below 1Hz, which then tapers off smoothly (for comparison see the bode plot for ZM4 vs FC1). I will try this out and then post the results later on.
The results for ZM5 (L_Dof, P_Dof, Y_doF, all taken with damping OFF) looks fine (maybe the small notch observed in Y_Dof might need a re-check with damping ON - I will check this out too).
All these measurements needs to be re-checked once the bafles are attached, to rule out any cable rubbing over there.
Given below are the location of the templates for ZM4 and ZM5 which were used for taking the latest TF measurements. Also, I will process these results in Matlab for pretty plots and then post them below as a comment.
Finally, I will post some pictures of ZM4 and ZM5 from the front and side to so show the cable routing which works (as a reference for future).
cd /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HXDS/H1/ZM4/SAGM1/Data/
cd /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HXDS/H1/ZM5/SAGM1/Data/
J. Kissel Doing some trending to help clarify the data sets for ZM4 -- All three templates with filename tags "2021-10-25_1400" were taken with top, M1, mass damping loops OFF. Only the single, YAW template labeled "2021-10-25_1405" was taken with damping loops ON. As such, to form a complete set, I'll be exporting all DOFs from the 2021-10-25_1400 templates. Also, for both ZM4 and ZM5, their top, M1, mass damping loops are the crude copies of the old HTTS damping filters, with no attention paid to loop gain or shaping to match the response of the HXDS, so I'm not surprised that there's so little difference between damping ON and OFF.