Reports until 12:30, Tuesday 30 November 2021
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Tuesday 30 November 2021 - last comment - 15:42, Tuesday 30 November 2021(60791)
H1SUSFC1: Pitch Mode Concerns Alleviated -- Replaced Wire Diameter is 0.005 [inches] not 0.0047 [inches], and that's OK.
J. Kissel, R. Kumar, B. Weaver

This aLOG continues, and puts to rest, the investigations as to why the H1SUSFC1 P2 and P3 modes -- and more concerningly the inter-mode zero -- are still high in frequency (see yesterday's LHO:60787 and older LHO:60766), even after the errant M2 to M3 wire thickness was swapped for "nominal" (see LHO:60741). Recall "nominal" thickness / diameter is supposed to be 0.0047 [inches] (i.e. 4.7 [thousandths of an inch] or "[thou]", or a wire radius of 59.7e-6 [m]).

After a team huddle this morning, Betsy, Rahul, and I uncovered that when, in LHO:60741, Rahul says "[...] replacing the wire with correct thickness (0.005 inch diameter, verified using calipers) [...]" there was no rounding involved in the statement -- the wires have been replaced with 0.005" thickness wires, not the nominal 0.0047".

Surprised that a difference of 0.0003" diameter (3.8e-6 [m]) makes this much of a difference, I've played around with the model to confirm (thanks to a handy-dandy script I wrote in 2012, comparetripleparams.m, and reminding myself of which variable means what with T040072) that:
    (a) Changing the nominal model's "r3" parameter (the radius of the M2 to M3 wire) from 59.7e-6 [m] to 63.5e-6 [m] (from diameter of 4.7 [thou] to 5 [thou]) indeed moves up the P2 mode and the adjacent zero right with it, exactly on top of the current H1SUSFC1 data.
    (b) As a quick "will it still work if we don't fix it?" test -- I use a generic set damping loops that come with the production triple model (some old 2012 velocity damping filters from L1 SUS MC2, that might still be in place honestly...), I confirm there's evidence that this level of plant change will cause loss in stability or any less Q reduction in the damping loops with this change.
    (c) I also recall that these modes are sensitive to the d1 distance between the M1 to M2 blade tip / breakoff point height w.r.t the M1 center of mass -- but importantly, changing this d1 by a lot in either direction only changes the P2 and P3 mode resonances, not the intermode zeros. I would guess that some linear combination of M1 to M2 blade tip height and manufacturers differences in thickness of the M2 to M3 wires would cause the spread that's otherwise seen in the rest of the suspensions see in the whole collection shown in LHO:60787.

    The unintended M2 to M3 wire parameter change of H1SUSFC1 from 4.7 [thou] to 5.0 [thou] diameter is acceptable and will function as any other HSTS does without much extra thought at all. We should and shall carry on as is.

Proof is in the Plots
    I demonstrate (a) with the first attachment, triplemodelcomp_2021-11-30_HSTS_r3exploration_M1_P2P.pdf. Compare nominal solid, thin, orange "nominal" r3 "=" 4.7 [thou] model and solid, thin, maroon r3 "=" 5 [thou] model against the latest measurement of FC1 in solid, thick, red latest H1SUSFC1 measurement. One can see that the latest H1SUSFC1 measurement solid, thin, maroon model, with 5 [thou] agree rather exquisitely, just like the solid, thin, plum r3 "=" 8 [thou] model agreed with the solid, thick, plum measurement of FC1 when it had the corresponding wire thickness.

(b) is demonstrated in the same first attachment with the damped versions of dashed, thin, orange "nominal" r3 "=" 4.7 [thou] model and dashed, thin, maroon r3 "=" 5 [thou] models. One can see that the same damping loop filters will do similar things to these similar plants. Makes sense, as this damping loop filter design is *very* generic, with no features that are tuned to these specific mode frequeuncies. Also, while I haven't explicitly looked at the phase margin change between these different plants, I that suspect even a low-noise design, where we push the phase margin harder with more aggressive ~10 Hz low passes would also be fine, given that the highest P3 mode remains relatively unchanged with a 5 [thou] M2 to M3 wire.

I demonstrate (c) in the second attachment, triplemodelcomp_2021-11-30_HSTS_d1exploration_M1_P2P.pdf. I see the following from this:
   (1) There's no change in the intermode zero, regardless of the change in d1. 
   (2) Comparing the change in response in *other* degrees of freedom -- see third and fourth attachments,
        r3 change -- triplemodelcomp_2021-11-30_HSTS_r3exploration_M1.pdf and
        d1 change -- triplemodelcomp_2021-11-30_HSTS_d1exploration_M1.pdf
       the d1 change has *much* more impact on other DOFs than the r3 change, which is consistent with the various FC1 data we have, and
   (3) Looking at the lowest and highest frequency collection modes we've seen in solid, thick, magenta H1SUSMC1 and solid, thick, cyan H1SUSSR2, they span a range of d1 = nominal + (adjustment, as indicated in the legend) being as low as d1 = 2 + (-3) = -1 [mm] or as high as d1 = 2 + (+4) = 6 [mm].

The story behind 5 [thou] instead of 4.7 [thou]
    I'm parroting what Rahul told me this morning, but when the materials for building HSTSs for A+ were inventoried, Bartlett and Kumar found the 4.7 [thou] spool of wire that we used for all aLIGO HSTSs, but there was concern that it was old and fragile, having been purchased in 2012. As a result, we went out for quote for 4.7 [thou] wire, but at the time could not find it, and someone made the decision that 5 [thou] was good enough (is there a RODA? an ECR / Resolved IIET? Dunno). As such, here we are today, a few years after the SUS was built circa 2019 (LHO:52425the A+ HSTSs were some of the first A+ SUS built, since "we knew how to build them" and we had the person power during O3), uncovering this lil' nugget. 

Rahul also recalls that since LLO went out for quote on their A+ SUS HSTS parts ~a year later, they *were* able to push hard on vendors and find the nominal 4.7 [thou] wire thickness. We should confirm this. 
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:29, Tuesday 30 November 2021 (60793)
J. Kissel

What else does this impact?
Sitting on this a bit, I realize another metric that this will impact in terms of systems integration -- the *actual* highest frequency vertical (aka the V3 or "bounce" mode) and roll (R3) modes, nominally at 27.3 Hz and 40.3 Hz, will increase in frequency. 

In this comment's attachment, triplemodelcomp_2021-11-30_HSTS_r3exploration_SusPoint2M3_VandR.pdf, I show the same 5 models where I've adjusted (only) the r3 parameter from 4.7 [thou] to 5, 6, 8, and 10 [thou], but instead to top (M1) mass to top (M1) mass transfer functions which are important to the local damping loops (and which nominally don't show these V3 or R3 modes as a feature of the mechanical design of LIGO suspensions), I instead show to Suspension Point V or R to optic (M3) stage V or R transmission.

One can see (via comparing the orange and red traces) that accepting this 5 [thou] M2 to M3 wire thickness means we accept new/unique bounce and roll modes at 29.02 and 42.89 Hz, respectively.
Summarizing the information in tabular form
    M2 to M3  
    Wire Thickness [inches]     0.0047      0.0050

    M2 to M3 
    Wire Radius [m]             59.7e-6     63.5e-6

    V3 Mode Freq. [Hz]          27.3        29.02

    R3 Mode Freq. [Hz]          40.3        42.89

Maybe, given the recent discovery that the HAM7/HAM8 external support structure has high-Q resonances at X, Y, Z = 23.1, 25.6, 34.7 Hz LLO aLOG 58040, this parameter change might be a blessing in disguise, now that the new V3 and R3 mode frequencies a more equally spaced between the support structure.

But -- it might serve us well to re-model the expected performance of the filter cavity with all this new knowledge.

Also, should we revert FC2 back to the 4.7 [thou] thickness? Or should we run with it, and make the A+ HSTS different in this subtle, easily-forgettable way?

To quote me from a Oct 28th 2015 email I sent to Fritschel: 
    "Regarding somehow collectively remembering / capturing the change -- it is very tough indeed. This is why I almost always advocate for a systematic change instead of continued one-off changes [...] when possible / sensible."

In that same email I cite that H1SUSPR3's optic has been upside down for all its life, and it hasn't bothered us, and we've since forgotten about it. 
Turns out it's documented... IIET Ticket 4381, which is CLOSED -- WONTFIX.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:42, Tuesday 30 November 2021 (60794)
J. Kissel, L. McCuller

I spoke with Lee about this to see if his (always impressive) intuition and random access memory would be bothered by these higher bounce / roll mode frequencies in the filter cavity. In short, after talking ourselves through it, we concur with my above conclusion that it all should be OK, if not fine. 

I got the biggest of the warm and fuzzy feelings when he showed my Figure 5 of the Filter Cavity's Design/Requirements Document (FC DRD: T1800447-v7). I attach it here for convenience.

The as-built design has two SQZ faraday isolators (i.e. 90 dB of suppression of scattered light when coupled with the IFO's Output Faraday). In the O4 configuration (DC readout), that means the HSTSs are required to beat the more-densely-dashed green curve. Between 15 and 30 Hz, the thin, solid black, estimate of total displacement of the HSTS optic using 
    - the Seismic Input modeled from O2's HAM5 ISI (from T1800066, so that means HEPI and ST0 FF L4Cs), 
    - the *nominal* HSTS model (with M2 to M3 wire thickness of 4.7 [thou]), and 
    - assuming 3e-3 [m/m] V to L coupling, 
is safely a few orders of magnitude below the requirement in broadband -- falling off the lower y-limit of the plot by 20 Hz -- with only the bounce mode poking up at 27.3 Hz.

So there's several things here (at least for O4):
    - Whether the bounce mode frequency is 27.3 or 29.02 Hz doesn't matter (same goes for the frequency of the roll mode).
    - As usual, we expect the coupling function of the roll mode to be even less than V to L, so Lee doesn't plot it here. 
    - Lee used the 3e-3 [m/m] number from a LLO configuration, which he says "LHO shouldn't have," so the coupling should be even less
    - If / when we ring up the highest roll modes with filter cavity alignment or length control (he quotes expected 10 Hz UGFs), and they show up in length as we know they can (see LHO:49749), then we can notch them out of the control request. 
    - In fact, because the thicker wire makes the bounce and roll modes a bit *higher* in frequency, notching them will have that much less impact on the phase margin of the 10 Hz UGF loops.
    - The coupling function of the filter cavity to DARM is all a result of dirt coupling and scattered light, so it's going to be an unpredictable, wandering thing, but hopefully quite small. 
    - Finally, reflecting on my side comment about the newly found X, Y, Z = 23.1, 25.6, 34.7 Hz (LLO:58040) resonances of the external support structure, these resonances will be in that region of the prediction that's "off the lower ylimit of the charts" so even if the HAM7 ISI + ESS is, say, an order of magnitude worse, it still won't come close to the requirements.

Very good.
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