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Reports until 14:42, Thursday 18 April 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:42, Thursday 18 April 2013 (6128)
ALS SHG stability, phase matching
The ALS SHG is now producing 0.57 mW of 532 light. One thing that I noticed while optimizing things is that the performance of the dichroics depends quite a bit on the polarization of the IR beam, so I had to add a second dichroic so that I could optimize the polarization.  I also moved the DC PD into the main green path to have a better monitor of the green power than the pick off beam.  

Some power measurements in the doubling path:
Infared powers:  240mW coming onto table
Pick off for IR DC PD: 9.85mW
remeasured main beam after pick off: 247mW (measured at waist)
The first dichroic rejects 239mW of IR
IR through first dichroic varies with polarization from 200uW to 66uW, I need to remeasure the value now that I optimized the polarization
After the second dichroic I don't see any light when the SHG temp is far from phase matching (not more than 2uW), which is independent of polarization.  

A partial phase matching curve is attached.  The thermistor calibration is only rough, so the temperature read out is not really linear with the actually temperature over 10s of derees C, so the measured curve is not exactly a sinc function.  

Last night I left the SHG running overnight, the second plot attached is the effective nonlinearity (green over IR^2), conversion efficiency (green/IR), green power and IR power each normalized to their means.  You can see that over 15 hours, the power from the PSL slowly drifted up, which the green power also did.  All the fluctuations except for one glitch at 13.5 hours are well within the 5% requirement from T1300174.  

The last plot is a histogram of these normalized values, the standard deviation of the green power is 0.67%.  

The data and m file are also attached.  
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