Reports until 14:09, Monday 28 February 2022
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:09, Monday 28 February 2022 (61970)
H1SUSETMY PUM Driver (and, newly, AOSEM) Response Compensation Installed (and, newly, with Always ON, Zero Crossing switch settings)
J. Kissel

Following the measurement & fitting (LHO:61828), and subsequent modeling of systematic error impact of various levels of compensation accuracy (to be aLOGged soon), I've installed the updated compensation (in the ETMY_L2_COILOUTF filter bank) for the analog frequency response change to the H1SUSETMY PUM (or "L2") driver (described in E2100204, installed in Dec 2021). 

As with H1 ETMX (see LHO:61927), I've:
   - Updated the compensation for the thing that actually changed; the low-pass filter which now has a higher frequency low-pass region,
   - Updated the Acquire filter zs and ps too, since previous compensation was subpar, so that improves the accuracy of compensation for State 1 and State 2, (and with the LP, State 4) in case we ever use any of these states during observation
   - Installed AOSEM response compensation for the first time in FM9, and turned it on
   - Made sure all switchable filters were set to have their input "Always ON" and output switch upon "Zero Crossing" with "0.0" threshold
   - Committed the new filter file to the userapps svn
   - Saved FM9 being ON in the sdf system

Attached is the record of the old vs. new filters in the L2_COILOUTF filter bank I've installed.

On to the ITMs!
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