Vicky has started 6 hour ring heater tests for 2W running tonight 8pm to 2am PST. For ITMY, ETMX, ETMY. These are longer and more powerful than usual as recommend by Marie.
The nominal settings of the ring heaters are 0.44W for EX and 0.68W for EY. These will be put back at the end of the test (currently only for happens for script, the other scripts set power back to zero).
Attached results of the three ring heater tests taken last night. We took new references for all while the ALS was shuttered last night. All spherical powers go negative as expected.
Can we repeat these RH tests with the Hartmann plate removed and the cameras just streaming images directly to disk? We might get a better idea of what is going on with the intensity profile.
Also - was this RH test the only thing thing the IFO was doing during this time? No other locking/commissioning work?
No other commissioning or locking work was going on during the time of these tests. If the IFO allows we can take off the plate and redo the test.