Because of high measured jitter coupling from alog 64372,
we are interested in the IM4 Trans input beam jitter witness.
We also recently engaged a stage of whitening to avoid ADC noise, but found we are dark noise limited on this diode alog 64371.
I moved the PICO B (HAM 2 + oplev) motor 2 (IO IM4_Trans QPD centering) down and to the left, relative position change from (X = 0, Y = 0) to (X = 3700, Y = -3880)
This increased the witnessed power on IM4 Trans by 0.4%.
We don't want this to overwrite our IM4 calibration from alog 63812,
so I adjusted the Input beam power incident on PRM calibration (IM4 Trans NSUM FM10 gain) from 4.624 to 4.606.