Reports until 15:02, Tuesday 28 May 2013
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Tuesday 28 May 2013 (6524)
ETMX Install Prep
After morning meeting, when the decision was taken to delay the PCal installation, we concentrated on other X End-related work. 
-The spool piece was moved from the VEA to X Mid.
-The ceiling framework from the Cryo-Pump Baffle (CPB) Cleanroom (CR) (henceforth referred to as the CPB CR) was moved into the High Bay this morning and taken down to X End this afternoon.
-A first-attempt cleaning process for fan-filter units (FFUs) from the CPB CR was agreed on. We may need to modify the process after we check FFU cleanliness.
-The 10 FFUs from the CPB CR were moved from the LVEA to the High Bay. A couple were eventually moved outside for blow-off with clean compressed air obtained from the Chamber Cleaning compressors.
-Bubba and I measured and took pix of the clear space from the spool area to the BSC cleanroom wall to ascertain whether it is possible to assemble the CPB in that clear and clean space (~7'x 16'). It would save us at least one cleanroom pick if this is plan is acceptable to the baffle types. Pix below.
-We provided some support to Rick and Craig for the PCal install tooling fit check.
-The PCal periscope was left in its crate but turned to a vertical orientation in the X End Receiving area and secured. This will allow staging to continue unimpeded by the crate but keep the periscope protected until the new install date, ~10 June 2013.
-I modified the ETMX Install Prep checklist. It is posted below for informational purposes.

1.	Fix and vet CPB CR (Jodi and Apollo)-Begin 28 May 2013
2.	Complete-Fit check PCal installation tooling (Rick and Craig)-28 May 2013
3.	Complete-Store PCal periscope vertically in X End Receiving area (Apollo)-28 May 2013
4.	Put hard covers on beamtube openings (Apollo)
5.	Drill holes in Test Stand  for SEI and SUS (Apollo) 28 May 2013
6.	Move BSC CR to BSC9-29 May 2013?
7.	Move CPB CR to X End and assemble over spool (Apollo)-Begin 28 May 2013: Ceiling framework
8.	Get BSC ISI and Quad into VEA (SEI/SUS/Apollo)
9.	Install and test leg jacks (Apollo)
10.	Move ISI-CPB jigs/tooling-garbing/staging cleanroom contents to X End (Apollo)-First pass list created
11.	Remove ISI Storage container top from building (Apollo)
12.	Move E-module and Spiral Staircase into VEA (Apollo)
13.	Remove door/dome from BSC 
14.	Place lower Garbing/Staging CR (Apollo)
15.	Assemble and place E-module including upper garbing/staging cleanroom (Apollo)
16.	Place and level Test Stand (Apollo/IAS)
17.	Clean Test Stand and cleanrooms: CPB, Test Stand, Work Space and lower G/S (Tech Cleaners)
18.	Fly ISI to Test Stand (SEI/Apollo)
19.	Move Test Stand CR over ISI (Apollo)
20.	Get ISI Storage Pallet out of VEA (Apollo)
21.	Place Work Space CR (Apollo)
22.	Week of 10 June 2013
a.	Welding Practice begins (SUS)-Move weld tooling , laser enclosure needed?
b.	Do PCal work at spool (Rick and crew-Apollo help)
-Remove hard cover from spool
-Install-Test-Turn parallel to beamtube
-Close-out check
23.	Level, balance and test ISI (SEI)
24.	Marry SUS to ISI (SUS/Apollo)
25.	SUS check-out (SUS)
26.	Assemble Bosch frame for TMS (before 17 June 2013-nominal date for telescope alignment to begin)
27.	Clean CPB CR (Tech Cleaners)
28.	Move CPB parts into VEA
29.	Assemble CPB and cover (AOS Team) 08 July 2013
30.	Install CPB (AOS Team)
31.	Orient PCal properly (Rick and crew)
32.	Remove dome and doors (Apollo)
33.	Insert ACB Assembly into beamtube thru open BSC door (AOS Team)
34.	Lower BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
35.	Install cartridge (SEI/Apollo)
36.	Raise BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
37.	Install walking plates (Apollo)
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