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Reports until 18:06, Tuesday 15 November 2022
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Tuesday 15 November 2022 - last comment - 18:50, Tuesday 15 November 2022(65807)
18-, nor 20-bit, M1 DAC Noise does NOT Limit HLTS PR3 nor HSTS FC1 Below 2.5 Hz
J. Kissel, P. Fritschel, E. Hall, C. Cahillane

Over the past few months as I've been upgrading my damping loop noise budgets, I've been claiming to have found that the HSTS and HLTS type suspensions P and Y motions are limited by M1 DAC noise below 2.5 Hz -- see the latest versions in LHO:65704 for the HSTS SRM, SR2, and FC1 and LHO:65687 for the HLTS PR3.

However, with the help of Peter today, and Evan and Craig last Friday, I've measured the voltage coming out of top-mass AI chassis for H1 SUS FC1 M1 LF (Friday, 2022-11-10) and much more rigorously H1 SUS PR3 (Today 2022-11-15).

From these results, we can clearly see that 
    - the top mass actuation is NOT limited by DAC noise; it being free of the DAC noise down to 0.1 Hz,
    - the DAC noise models I've been using for both 18- and 20-bit DACs from G1401399 for 18-bit DACs and G1500761 for 20-bit DACs are just wrong; way over estimating the noise below 10 Hz.
Further, after probing various configurations of PR3, we're confident that applying a ~7 kHz dither to the 18-bit DACs *would* make the DAC noise much larger, starting to "fill in the troughs" of the DAC request of the DAMPED PR3.
Finally, as a side note, the DAC noise does not appear to depend on whether there's a DC offset.

Let's show some plots. In this main entry, I'll show the "final answer" plots for FC1 M1 LF (driven by a 20-bit DAC) and PR3 M1 LF (driven by an 18-bit DAC). 

In these plots I show:
    - Light grey: the noise floor of the noise measurement tool -- the SR785 -- and its signal input range configuration. 
    - Maroon (dark red): the noise coming out of the DAC with NO requested drive what-so-ever. "It is known" that this is NOT representative of the DAC noise at all times -- since we know DAC noise levels, in general, are quite non-linear -- but it's the first and easiest thing to do, so I show it for reference. Again, we explore different configurations of drive in the comments that convinces us that while not representative during drive request, the DAC noise is *about* this level, and at least sufficiently below the drive request.
    - Gold: the counts of DAC drive requested -- calibrated into output voltage via 20 / 2^18 [V/ct] or 20 / 2^20 [V/ct] -- during the exact same time that the voltage output was *measured*
    - Purple: the measured voltage output during the current "nominal" configuration of the suspension ***
    - Green: proof that the respective 18-bit or 20-bit DAC noise models are quite wrong (though it is some consolation that they do validate my noise budget models, showing that *if* the DAC noise were that high, it *would* be dominated by that noise below 2.5 Hz).

Though you'll believe me more once you see all the DAC request configuration tests we did in the comments -- for now, because the request perfectly matches the voltage measured and one does not sees the "troughs" of the damping loop output request obviously polluted by some flat-ish pink noise: these DOFs are *not* limited by DAC noise.

*** Notes on the "nominal" configuration for each of these suspensions:
    - For FC1, we do not yet apply any alignment offsets or ISC request, so the only requested output is from the damping loops. The seismic system underneath the SUS was performing as best it currently can.
    - For PR3, there are alignment offsets (Y offset 150 urad >> 11566 cts out of the DAC at LF and RT [out of 131k available]) as well as damping loop request. Further -- and I think this may mean this measurement is worth revisiting -- the seismic system underneath PR3 was *not* in its nominal configuration. Because we measured the noise on maintenance day, the corner station sensor correction was OFF, which increases the residual seismic motion in the 0.5 to 5 Hz band -- right where the DAC noise is "close." That being said, I don't anticipate the seismic performance getting so much better with sensor correction that we *would* be dominated by DAC noise.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:15, Tuesday 15 November 2022 (65809)
The remaining comments will all be from today's PR3 LF and RT measurements.

First convincing, abnormal configuration test: while leaving DC alignment offsets ON, reduce the damping loop gain by a factor of 5.

In this plot, I show the same traces as in the main entry, but add an additional set of light and dark blue traces which show the configuration as described: "just" reducing the overall gain of all damping loops from -1.0 to -0.2. Note that the damping filters' and their open loop gain as as installed recently by Elenna and Evan (LHO:64152) that roughly follow my "level 2" low noise design.

One sees here, that once the requested damping loop drive is reduced by 5, the "troughs" of the request begin to get swamped by a pink noise between 0.1 and 0.3 Hz as well as between 0.8 and 1.3 Hz. that pink noise aligns roughly with the "no drive" voltage noise output.

So, while it's not necessarily true that the DAC noise stays at this level as the damping loop drive increases, we at least know that the "troughs" of the request are *not* limited by such a noise -- again, because the request matches the voltage measured at all frequencies.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:41, Tuesday 15 November 2022 (65811)
Second abnormal configuration test: What about a ~7 kHz dither line?

It has been demonstrated in L1 (see LLO:54755), that the noise of the 20 bit DAC in the 30-40 Hz region reduces "dramatically" when a ~20k to ~40k count_RMS "dither line" (monochromatic excitation) at ~7 kHz is applied. 

In a similar demonstration at L1 (see LLO:54758), a 3k [count_RMS] dither line can also reduce the 30-40 Hz noise of an 18-bit DAC.

As such, we figured we should measure the impact of applying a 7.5e3 [count_RMS] 6997.73 Hz dither line to see what we see in the entire frequency band we were considering today from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz.

Sadly, applying the dither 7.5e3 [count_RMS] 6997.73 Hz dither line made the noise worse.
Yes, this is contrary to the LLO results, and I don't yet have an understanding as to why.

Take a look at the attached three pages of plots. 
    - Page 1: You're used most of the curves by now, but this time the extra traces in blue show the request drive and measured voltage with the 6997.73 Hz dither line on. focus again on the region betweem 0.08 and 0.15 as we all 0.8 to 1.5 Hz. In that region, you see the troughs filled in with a flat noise that does not match the request.
    - Page 2: shows a few configurations that probe the DAC noise with three different dither configurations without any of the normal drive request:
        :: 50k ct = 3.8 V requested offset on the channels, with 6997.73 Hz dither [in purple]
        :: No offset, with 6997.73 Hz dither [in bright red]
        :: No offset, with a factor of lower frequency 699.73 Hz dither [in green]
      All of these dither configurations result in a flat, 8-10e-6 [V/rtHz] noise, which is louder that the "no drive" configuration by as much as a factor of 50 above 10 Hz. Yuck!
    - Page 3: Same as page 1, but I've now added one more trace from the previous page -- the No offset, with 6997.73 Hz dither [in bright red] noise level. This bright red dither trace lines up well with what's filling in the troughs when the damping loops and nominal offsets are on.

So, again, quite contrary to the L1 results, but maybe it's a vastly different color drive on the PUM stage of a QUAD than it is on the TOP stage of an HLTS. Kind of a cop-out fall back on the "the noise depends entirely on the drive request," but it's all I've got so far. Tough to refute this measurement.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:46, Tuesday 15 November 2022 (65812)
Final test: Compare the "no drive" DAC noise against the "with DC offsets only"

This test wasn't nearly as exciting -- essentially the conclusion was that we see no difference in performance of the DAC noise when requesting a 11.5e3 ct = 0.87 V offset from the channels

Attached shows the DAC noise in both the "no drive" in dark red and "with DC offsets" in bright red, along with the other guiding traces what we've seen throughout this log thread. Essentially no difference between the traces, and again well below the requested drive in the nominal damping loops on, (these same) alignment offsets on, and no DAC dither.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:50, Tuesday 15 November 2022 (65813)
Finally, here, I attach all the plots I made during this study, showing the collection of plots that you've already seen for PR3 M1 LF OSEM and few other high frequency zooms of the same, as well as all the same plots for the PR3 M1 RT OSEM. Though the exact detail of the RT OSEM's noise character is a bit different from the LF OSEM, all of the same general observations are seen in the RT OSEM as well -- and in fact give more weight since we see the same behavior on a different channel (albiet the immediately adjacent channel on the same DAC card, but still).
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