Reports until 18:59, Wednesday 23 November 2022
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Wednesday 23 November 2022 - last comment - 20:28, Thursday 15 December 2022(66015)
Nov 2022 mod depth up down test
For later analysis, I moved each of the 9 and 45 MHz modulation depths down by 3 dB, waiting five minutes or so, then back up to nominal.

## Test on November 23, 2022
Starting 9 MHz dB (H1:LSC-MOD_RF9_AM_RFSET): 20.4 dB
Starting 45 MHz dB (H1:LSC-MOD_RF45_AM_RFSET): 21.0 dB

Lowered 9 MHz by 3 dB: 1353292559
End of lowered 9 MHz time: 1353292908

9 MHz back to nominal: 1353292950
End of nominal time: 1353293337

Lowered 45 MHz by 3 dB: 1353293388
End of lowered 45 MHz: 1353293721
Returned to nominal: 1353293761

## alogs

May 2021 Daniel analyzes RF mod depth change to get carrier and sideband power levels alog 59058

May 2021 Varun runs mod depth change test (no analysis) alog 58946

May 2022 Craig runs mod depth change (but does not analyze) alog 63258

## Code
I put the (nonfunctional) code for analysis and relevant README here:
And the is here
Comments related to this report
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 22:27, Thursday 08 December 2022 (66272)ISC
Adding half-finished analysis here for now.

I plotted some relevant channels during this test, including POP18 and 90 I and Q.

Oddly, it seems like the total amount of POP18 stays the same no matter how the RF9 is moved.
Similarly, the POP90 moves up the most for a reduction in RF9.

The only effect I can see in POP18 from the RF9 reduction is a phase rotation.
A similar phase rotation is visible for POP90 from the RF45 reduction.

I can't explain why this, only that it is not what I expected from the sideband power witnesses.
The carrier channels (especially the arm power channels) seem to rise and fall as expected.
More quantitative analysis to come.
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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 20:28, Thursday 15 December 2022 (66407)ISC
I repeated the sideband power to total power analysis from Daniel's alog alog 59058.
The purpose is to re-evaluate how much carrier, 9 MHz, and 45 MHz we have in each port since May 2021 last year (from the first locks after the ITMY was replaced).
This is particularly interesting analysis for the low OMC transmission we've witnessed.

The principle of the measurement is based on the idea that we know how much we are changing the modulation index in radians,
so if the DC power at a port changes (or does not change) we can use the measured DC power ratio between the modulation index changes to determine the sideband power there.
This was done for both 9 and 45 MHz.


Sideband to Total Power ratios
Channels9 MHz45 MHzCarrier
At first glance, it seems that our ratios are largely the same as they were in May 2021, except there is way more carrier and 9 MHz (and less 45 MHz) at the AS port. The AS PDs seem to be telling us the same story regarding 9 MHz content, but not for 45 MHz content, unclear why. But there appears to be around 58% 45 MHz light in the AS port, as opposed to 85% in 2021. Otherwise, there still seems to be 90% carrier in REFL, 98% carrier in POP, and 100% carrier in the arms. Code The code lives in /ligo/gitcommon/labutils/mod_depth_up_down_test/code/ or
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